Game Is What It’s, “GAME” !! By Banji A Banji

Game Is What It Is, “GAME” !! By Banji A Banji.
“Game is what it is, ‘GAME’!! It is not a do or die. What you love is equally attractive to the next man, so, calm down and be steady. Live and let other lives. That is the best way of living healthy life.
Yes, life is about contest but hey! There will never be two winners, even, after draw, a winner will emerge eventually at replay.

A cursory look at the football pitch, we do have preferences among the players and when any of the players, other than that of our choice, scores a goal for the club, we hurriedly forget about the preferred players and celebrate the club they represent. At the end, the weak, the strong, the preferred and otherwise, even, the injured ones on the bench in the club take the glory and rejoice as a club, though, the benefits accrued may be slightly differ but all men go home smiling.

Politics is also a game, with many players on the pitch, slugging it out with opposing parties. Each man in the party runs towards the ball and when one with ‘THUNDEROUS SHOT’ scores a goal, other players should celebrate him and rejoice as one.
This is my belief. This is my philosophy of politics. This is how it ought to be. However, It benumbed me and left me petrified, when fellow party men hate each other to high heavens, even, cut of ‘beneficiations’, all because Mr A goes with player XYZ and not with ABC, whom he prefers. I lost respect for such people and I see no reason to yoke with them. It is not a brag, a big mind has no fraternity with small minds, the result is always awry.
On the flip, I worship those ‘MATURED MINDS’ who yoke freely with everyone, regardless of their affinity with the players on the field of politics. We are not in war, let us stop warring like a small minds within the same club. Why will you want to hold back lending a hand to the next man, all because your camp differs. Maturity makes the game sweeter and gangsterism is a bane. Unification with another is a sigh of strength and character uprightness, otherwise, it is nasty and brutish, a journey back to bricks and mortar age.
Stay where you prefer, without bitterness and let other men zone up where they prefer at a point, whoever wins at the end inherits every other camps by providence and we move on into bigger ‘CELEBRATION AND JOYOUS MOOD’.