INTERVIEW: “One on One” With Oyo NIS “Social/Publicity Secretary” Hopeful, Surveyor Abeeb Kolawole Adeyemo
Africano Trumpeters Newspaper’s reporters shared a moment with Surveyor Abeeb Kolawole Adeyemo, Oyo NIS “Social/Publicity Secretary” hopeful over the weekend at his office, in Ibadan.
Can we meet you, sir?
Good morning gentlemen of the press. My name is Surveyor Adeyemo Abeeb Kolawole(mnis). I am a native of Ibadan. I am a practicing surveyor and a part-time lecturer at the Surveying and GeoInformatics Department, The Polytechnic, Ibadan. I am one of the aspirants for the post of the Social/ Publicity Secretary, Nigerian Institution of Surveyors(NIS), Oyo-State branch.
Can you tell us your educational and professional qualifications?
I started my educational career at Seventh-Day Adventists Primary School, as well as IMG Primary School. Though, then it was afternoon mode of schooling. Later, I proceeded to St Patrick’s Grammar School for my Junior Secondary Education and School of Science, Ibadan Boys High School, now, Emmanuel Alayande School of Science, for my Senior Secondary Education.
For my higher educational programs, especially, for my National Diploma(ND), I proceeded to Federal School of Surveying(FSS) ,Oyo where I studied Surveying and GeoInformatics and later, I am admitted to The Polytechnic, Ibadan for my Higher National Diploma(HND) in the same Surveying and GeoInformatics profession. I still went further to acquire B.Tech in the aforementioned course from Bells University of Technology, Ogun state.
For my professional programs, I returned to Federal School of Surveying(FSS) for my Professional Diploma(PD), where I got my PD certificate, before, I then enrolled as a pupil surveyor to Surveyors Council of Nigeria(SURCON). SURCON is the body that governs and registers surveyors who are qualified and certified, as professionals, to practice surveying in Nigeria. I got my registration then as a registered surveyor in 2015 and I started practicing in 2016.
During my educational exploits, I got many awards and since 2016 that I have started practicing surveying, professionally, I have served under many substantive committees, at state and national levels as far as Nigerian Institution of Surveyors(NIS) is concerned. I have been the secretary of NIS strategic committee, in Oyo-State. From 2013 to 2019, I have been the secretary of MCPD. It is a committee that deals with trainings in the state. From 2019 till date, I am a still a member. We have new secretary for the committee now. Also, I am a member,“Instruments Procurements Committee”. Simply put, I belong to many committees of NIS, Oyo-state which I am still serving diligently till date. So, I and my people in those committees are trying our best to reposition surveying profession, especially, for the incoming generations.
What are your antecedents in the association in the association?
You could see that I have just mentioned few when I was introducing myself. My antecedents in NIS, Oyo state chapter are numerous, even, before I got registered as a surveyor, I have been promoting the good image of our institution. For example, as the secretary of MCPD, we mandated continuous professional training. We emphasized innovations and ethical practice. We reiterated improvements of our data capturing, processing and presentation of such to the clients. We prioritized good public relations, because as surveyors, we are mostly representing interests of the public. Especially, to sensitize them against land scammers and we provide hints that can rightly guide them on land related matters. We also put enlightenment programs on air where surveyors speak resourcefully. Those are parts of our collective contributions.
Now, personally, a part from MCPD, I have been instrumental to many trainings for. our ‘babas’, the senior colleagues, contemporaries and junior colleagues, in the profession. The foot prints are still there and name is still there. That is number one. Though, as a strategist, I may not be able to mention all my humble contributions to NIS, Oyo state chapter here but I can openly reveal it to you that through the insightful and ingenious leadership of our Strategic Committee Chairman, Surv. Ola Siyanbola, a fellow of the institution. I won’t lie to you, I have been able to effectively and efficiently contribute my own quota to the progress of our reputable institution and noble profession in the state and beyond. Socially, I have always been a bridge-builder, especially, by continuously, establishing amicable relationship between the old and new generations, and keeping good relationship with people generally.
As Oyo NIS ‘Publicity/Social Secretary’ Hopeful, what are your missions and visions?
As Oyo NIS Publicity/Social Secretary Hopeful, according to our constitution, basically, my role is to promote and sustain good image of the institution. It is to maintain good relationship with our clients and general public, especially, to sensitize people more on what surveying profession really means and entails.
Ideologically, I have bi-pedal, I mean two, things in views. Without trying to sound immodest, I am very versatile, in researching new technology, new innovations and new advancements as far as surveying and mapping are concerned. And I am always eager to disseminate such information across the board, locally and globally, using different tools and platforms like vlogs, skype, emails, zoom among others. By His Grace, in conjunction with my would-be chairman, through information dissemination, good image projection and robust relationship with stakeholders, we will reposition the NIS Oyo-State chapter for better. Yes, in NIS, Oyo remains one of the most focused, and one of the most respected states in the federation. We will not only sustain this legacy but we will also advance it.
Sir, let us directly put this to you, are you up to the task?
[Hahaha,Hahaha……..Laughs]. Without trying to sound immodest, authoritatively, I am declaring before you, today, and the world, at large, that, by His Grace, I am up to the tasks 100%. Because, I have checked myself- I have assessed my competence, capacity and charisma and I am personally convinced that I am up to the task, and I have also widely consulted people and they have, as well, given us their nods, to go ahead.
Social relations and reportorial activities are my hobbies. Yes, I have passion for it and I have been doing it voluntarily for the institution. For example, whenever we have, or we go for programs, I relate with people, very well, I take pictures and I report our activities on different media platforms. Just like a freestyle something and imagine when one is now officially saddled with responsibilities to do so. We will perfectly deliver.
I remember when we were doing Young Surveyors Network(YSN). Then, whenever I tell my Coordinator, Surveyor Aro-Lambo, do you think this thing is not possible, he would say, Surveyor Abeeb, if you think it is possible, go ahead. Yes, I strongly believe that nothing is impossible. If you don’t know it, there are many people out there who know it. It got to a stage they nicknamed me, then, as “ENERGY” because, I always maintain that, “Together, We Can Do It”. I would say, “let’s try this thing. These are the things we need. These are people we need. Let’s gather resources and let’s do it”. And to the glory of God, there is no program that we embarked on then, that we didn’t actualize before Surveyor Aro-Lambo left the office. The first magazine of YSN in circulation took us a lot of time and commitments, but in the long run, we achieved it. The magazine is educative, informative and technical. Till now, people still make reference to the first edition and making use of it, due to its resourceful nature. So, in a simplified and intelligible language, I’m up to the task, because the energy, ability and capability, to do it, even, to do it better, are still there, till now.
I always thank God for His Grace over me. Before, I embark on any project, I used to do feasibility study and background checks, to know what it really entails. Time without number, I have discovered that I need only two things, “resources and the team”.
Yes, I am convinced, I can do it. I can relate well with the people. I can gather and disseminate credible information, efficiently, with the help of my energetic younger surveyors’ team mates that are readily available, to render selfless service to advance the cause of our noble profession, surveying, and reputable organization, NIS Oyo-state. Surely, NIS Oyo-state will be widely known beyond before. With the tools, resources and team, also, on the leverage of my would-be chairman, and above all, with God everything is possible.
Thank you, “MR ENERGY!”, as a bridge-builder, what are your plans and programs to bridge the gap between older generation and younger generations?
Thank you, sirs. I quite understand you, bridging the gap between the old generation and young one has always been my priority. Thank God, some years back, Surveyors Council of Nigeria(SURCON) organized a training and it was tagged, “Train The Trainers”. One of the key things we emphasized there is, “How Do We Bridge, The, Gap?”. To me, I will respond to your question with a Yoruba adage which says, “Bi Omode Ba Nin Aso Bi Agba, Kole Nin Akisa Bi Agba(Youth’s new cloths can never be as many as elders’ new one). That adage is a parable and the cloth there refers to “experience”. We can’t embark on anything without consulting our elders. We cherish them, we hold them in high esteem and we will always count on their elderly supports. There’s no way we can do without them.
Firstly, there would be time to time consultations with them, especially, for mentorship. In surveying profession, there is hierarchy. We have “Fellows”. We have “Babas” and we will always count on them and approach them, to tap from their pool of experience. We will also fall back to them repeatedly, most importantly, to vitalize and upgrade the information we have at hand. For example, now, we can’t say we know the rich historical backgrounds of surveying profession in Nigeria, and world at large, without consulting them.
Secondly, there must be a synergy. When our elders were using theodolites, then, they were getting the same coordinates (x,y,z) that we the younger generations are getting, now, by using DGPS, Drones, Total Station among others. So, modern tools, skills and gadgets can never render them useless. They remain our valuable assets and we will always treasure them. There are some jobs that if they bring it to you, you can never handle it alone without consulting elders, our “Babas”. They know all the origins, when they have not been harmonized among others, so, we cannot do without them. Definitely, we are already bridging the gap by having good rapports with elders and we will continue it responsibly when we are officially saddled with the responsibilities to do so, by His Grace.
Most importantly, we have to promote our elderly ones, especially, when they are alive. They are our heroes. They are our living legends and they are dearly to us. So, we must always celebrate them. We must always make them happy. This is my orientation and I think it’s part of the responsibilities of the works of Social/Publicity Secretary to promote this. We will always invite them for mentorship, and as guest speakers at our functions, to always, gain a lot from them. They have a lot, in their care, as secretes of the profession and we can’t get it if we are far from them. Simply, we can’t do without them. We need them more than the way we think we need them.
And for the younger generation. There are a lot of programs. Firstly, training upon training. Secondly, education upon education. And, also, social activities that can make them, to, always experience spirit of togetherness will be, always, put in place. Social activities are not always about drinking beer or going to party. When we say “Social Secretary”, his activities include social lives of elderly ones, middle ages and younger generations. We have many programs in our kits like organizing aerobic exercise, organizing educative game competition among others. I read something online that video gaming and little exercise reduce dementia, for elderly people. All those things are the parts of our plans with the help of other co-executives when I become Social/Publicity Secretary and I strongly believe that these will bring strong affection among the older generations and the younger ones. So, we can never afford to say that you are old, so, be doing your own and we will be doing ours. Never, never and never. We will definitely bridge the gap. If we say or act so, we are not helping the institution, and, as well, we are not helping ourselves.
Please, this is the second leg of the question that you have responded to above. Earlier, you said the institution is there to serve the people, so, beyond the Institution, how can you bring information down to the doorsteps of the general public?
Strategically, I did not go into details about our plans and packages. And, please, bear with me like that. Don’t worry, we will definitely, establish and sustain good relationship with general public. We will put viable communication channels in place. Now, that we are in smart world, information is easily disseminated and gotten with little or no stress.
If I get information now, through the online news platforms, there are ways we can get the database of the subscribers, the users of such platforms and disseminate our pieces of information to the target audience. Bulk SMS’ are also there. For example, we can just code our message as “Read More About Oyo NIS” or “Know More About Land Scammers” among others. With these captivating headlines, target audience will definitely read the news. Whenever they click such link, it will take them to our page.
Also, social media are there. We can micro-blog among others. As I have told you earlier, we have the resources. Those ones are software resources. We have the hardware resources, the gadgets and devices, and also, we have humanware resources- the people that will be writing and processing it.
Furthermore, we have the team that will be carrying these out. Those that will be executing it. Definitely, viable committees will be put in place.
One of the agenda is either quarterly, biennial or annually, there will be newsletters in circulation for all stakeholders. We will frequently use bulletin. Monthly, there will be professional talks by the and for the surveyors. Or any resource person that can contribute meaningfully will also be invited because surveying remains bedrock of any meaningful developments.
Meanwhile, my own personal quote is, “Surveying Is Life Without Limit”. Surveying is beyond measuring the landed properties alone. Yes, surveying is a life without limit and I can boldly prove that. We will put life-saving news, as far as land matters are concerned. There will be help desks and numbers to be called will be rolled out. It’s existing, we just need to consolidate efforts on that. If you need a piece of information now, you don’t need to stress yourself down to our secretariat. All you need is to call our “Help Desk” numbers. And anything related to land matters or boundary issues can be sorted out through that medium and if they can’t handle it, they will direct the prospective caller(s) to proper channels.
As I said earlier, there’s a program organized by a group of surveyors, APPSN- Association of Private Practicing Surveyors of Nigeria. On air program. There, educative and informative programs about surveying are put on air through radio stations, especially, in Ibadan. They are live and phone-in programs.
Some people like to listen to programs and call. Some believe to watch it and react while some believe to read it and respond. Either way, we will use all the channels of communication to reach to the general public. Be it, print media, electronic media – “Radio and Television”, and the internet.
As would-be image maker and custodian of public relations affairs of Oyo NIS, what are your plans to strengthen inter-organizational synergy and solidarity with other professional bodies; And also to reach out to all stakeholders in the state?
As an officer, you can’t see it all until you are officially saddled with the responsibilities and there are, always, limitations to what individual, as an executive, can do. Even, constitutionally, there are boundaries. To the best of my knowledge and conviction, all I can, emphatically, say now is that the modes of our information dissemination and image-making approaches, in Oyo-sate NIS, will never be the same.
By His Grace, if the mandate is given, definitely, we will deliver. Firstly, based on inter-organizational relations, there is a group, we call it APBN- Association of Professional Bodies of Nigerian. It is the umbrella body for all the professional associations in Nigeria. That of engineers, lawyers, medical doctors among others. A times, they make use of Oyo state NIS building for their meetings. So, I know more about them and their activities. On the leverage of my would-be chairman and other executive members, we will relate them well and make surveying profession presence felt there, more than ever before.
Generally, we will relate with all and sundry. We will speak their languages. We will put jingles on air, not just in people’s native language(s) but, particularly, in their local dialects. Certainly, we will recognize and relate all stakeholders. Even, our messages will reach our mamas in the markets and babas in the villages. No matter how far we think they are, we will device mechanism to reach out to them.
On land matters, surveyors are like solicitors between people and governments. Yes, government regulates activities of professional bodies but still, we guide governments, especially, on sensitive issues.
To reach out to different houses and, also, to build a better future for the profession and our society, there is a program, we call it, “Catch Them Youth”. We have done it in YSN. This program will target young minds at different strata of institutions of learning- primary schools, secondary schools and colleges. This is parts of my intending programs which I will tender to other executives. We will take surveying gospel to different schools. We will enlighten and interest pupils and students on choosing surveying as career. We will tell them how surveying is a good profession, what it takes to become a surveyor, the opportunities out there for surveyors among others. And while visiting such respective schools across the state, we will give them new technology of mapping of their schools. Either government-owned schools or private ones, we will give them drone mapping of their schools. We will register the beauty of the noble Profession (Surveying) in their minds, and as well, promote the good image of the profession, across the board. And as benefits to such schools, we will give them all the developed areas of their schools. We will give them all the image making. We are planning. You know to get image mapping of such areas, we use our mini drones and that we also interest young minds. Young minds love modern technology. This will also go along way to make our footprints indelible over there and make it know that when we visit their schools, we bring developments to their schools. We will give them hard copies of image mapping without paying a dime. This is a promotion of our profession as being beyond land measurements. This is even a marketing strategy. Some may have companies and become interested to do image mappings of its areas, as well. We will let them know the purpose and importance of what we are doing for them by presenting them the pictorial views of the activities. Definitely, we will reach out to the nooks and crannies of the state spreading surveying gospel.
You have been reiterating it that surveying profession is a noble profession and that NIS is a reputable institution, sir, can you tell us what these nobility and reputation are all about?
This a very interesting question and it’s another topic entirely for another day. Meanwhile, briefly, historical background of surveying in Nigeria is something that is beautiful and sweet when you know it. Surveying is one of the oldest professions in Nigeria, even, in the whole world.
Firstly, let’s use construction as a typical example. Surveyor is the first professional that will firstly reach new construction site. We are pathfinders. We clear the road. We demarcate the boundaries. We will tell you this is the extent of your land. This is the direction you will follow. We will tell you this is your pillar and we will register it for you. We will tell you this is plan of Land you possess and this is the tittle, area, bearing among others on your plan as given. And then, when these foundational activities are concluded, when they need further work there, we are also among first set of professionals to make it a reality. That’s why I have a saying ….Surveying, A life without limit.
Also, when the construction proper is to be fully started, topographical surveying of the place is needed. Apart from cadastral, they will still call on surveyor for that. This has to do with how the land has been ordinated which the help of other professionals like architects in designing. Ask any engineer, when you have a good surveyor, your construction will be better. Whether road, house, whether hospital, whether silos, even, if is Aso Villa they want to rebuild, surveyors will give them vertical alignments, the column alignments, the setting-out among others. And look at it Ooooo, when they finish construction, they will still call surveyors, if is like a school now to come and give details if it is properly built. From the beginning to the end, surveyors play significant roles, so, is it not a life without limit? Is it not noble? So, there is no aspect of life that surveyors are not relevant. If you go to developed nations, they don’t joke with surveyors. There, surveyors are potential Billionaires.
Here in Nigeria, we have a body, we call them SURCON- Surveyors Council of Nigeria. They have many functions by law. The body determines what and the what. The body determines who is qualified to be a surveyor and who is not. We also have NIS- Nigerian Institution of Surveyors which makes practice of surveying easy and also, they make things easy for the general public as we well.
Sir, as you have previously said that with your “Catch Them Young Program”, young want to massively encourage young minds to join the profession, please, what are the prospects for them in them profession?
I like that question. Even, my kids, I don’t compel them to practice my profession but through my activities and services that I render to people, they are already developing interest in it. Recently, my daughter told me that she wanted to have training in “GIS and remote sensing” and I gave her nod. So, once again, to the younger one, surveying is the best profession. It is too lucrative and self-employed in nature.
As surveyor, you can work in government parastatals and sub government parastatals. Surveyors work with any company that is dealing with position. We deal with position. Anything that is related to determining “X,Y,Z” of something, surveyors deals with it. And let me put it like this, as a surveyor, you might not be extremely rich but you can never be poor. Apart from getting money, surveyors put smiles on the faces of people because we solve their problems. In fact, it is a profession that when you do it, you will even like yourself. You can easily get admitted to study the course so far you have the requirements and if you are good, as a student, before you conclude your program, you might be getting “small small” jobs. It might not be so in other professions. I can say it boldly, before I concluded my ND, I have been going to site and getting money as operator who observes. With the nature of our profession, I sponsored myself for my HND. As a surveyor in training, if you know how to use “AUTOCAD”, the licensed surveyor, if he is busy, can contract you to help him plot his job.
Surveying has many aspects you can earn your money, though, it might be little Ooo but you will definitely get something even as a “baby surveyors.
And I noticed one thing that people do love any profession that solves problem.
As surveyors, engineers need you, architects need you, even your surveyors-colleagues. So far you are good in the field, sky is your stepping stone. Even, before you finish your academic career, you will be getting job. Summarily, surveying is a good profession with good prospects.
To round it up, what are your messages for fellow aspirants and NIS Oyo-State generally?
In surveying profession, we are family. We know each other. My main co- contestant is my good brother, so, we have done many good things together. We are just giving it a trial, whoever emerges, we have to work together. There must be spirit of sportsmanship. Whosoever emerges, we must act as a team to achieve the goals of our noble profession, Surveying and reputable Institution – NIS.
With God, all things are possible and by His Grace, we will support each other.
And my message for NIS, Oyo state chapter is that I know we are doing well. Nigerian Institution of Surveyors(NIS) remains reputable and I am always proud of it. I wish us all well.
Long Live NIS Oyo-state. Long live Oyo-state and Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria