The Prints !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

The Prints !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade.
Prints are part of human biological traits. They are symbolic and unique. Not even a set of twins can reflect the same prints. Prints are the most important piece of evidence in solving a crime. Prints are unique and persistence; they are not easily covered up.
The two major prints are the fingerprints and the footprints.

Fingerprints are complex and have many purposes. Some older persons or the uneducated who do not have a valid signature can alternatively use their fingerprints as a means of identification, registration or agreement to any term or transaction. In recent times, certain registration procedures will not be complete without a fingerprint verification.

The footprints are a kind of impressions left behind by a person after walking or running. They are a kind of evidence of behaviour often called “trace fossil”. They are large, though not unique to individuals only. Animals have footprints too.
Just like the fingerprints and the footprints which are unique and persistent, so is your identity. You were uniquely made. You have a lot of beautiful attributes and innate potentials that can project you to the world.
You need to create a good persona and profile for yourself in terms of comportment and communications.
Whatever you do and however you do it, will become a story for posterity.
The names of people you hear of today who did well during their life time were humans like you.
Interestingly, some of them did not even have the luxury of the opportunities and resources at your disposal. You can easily make the kind of impacts they struggled to make during their own time.
On the other hand, the names of the people who also wrought enough wreck can never be erased. Heard of the law of karma? This is a natural law that indicates that one must surely reap whatever one sows.
Your thoughts, words and actions will determine what life pays back to you. If you do not live long enough to reap whatever you sow, generations after you will surely do.