2023 Presidency : Why We Won’t Join Issues With Arewa Youth Consultative Forum – Femi Awogboro

2023 Presidency : Why We Won’t Join Issues With Arewa Youth Consultative Forum – Femi Awogboro .
The Supreme Forum of Yoruba Youths (SFYY) through their global president, Comrade Femi Awogboro has condemned the inflammatory and chauvinistic statement credited to the President of Arewa Youth Consultative Forum, Shettima Yerima and maintained that Yoruba youth will not join issues with him .
The Arewa Youth Consultative Forum, AYCF, in one of the national dailies, had earlier said that the North still wants the presidency in 2023 and will not cede power to the South. President of the AYCF, Shettima Yerima, said that it irritated the entire North for some southern politicians to think Northerners would leave power for them in 2023.

Femi Awogboro, the SFYY President, stated that presently, the association as a leading youth organization in Yoruba Nation across the globe is working seriously to support the governments of southwestern region and Nigerian government at large to tackle the spread of Coronavirus disease through community sensitization programmes and possible traditional means to curb the disease.

Awogboro said the tribalistic statement from some jobless Arewa youths is frivolous and unjustifiable as Nigeria remains a nation state operating constitutional democracy which prioritizes federal character .
“To set the record straight, the SFYY are mainly for progress of the South west region and oneness of Nigeria but statement credited to one Mr Yerima promotes conservativism and it lacks integrity and sincerity in its entirety”, Awogboro reiterated .
“It is high time Yerima realizes that the strength of democracy lies in its inclusiveness, it is a form of government that gives power to all not a section of the country , so, any region that possesses jingoistic traits is endangering the lofty ideals of democracy ”, Awogboro stated.
According to Awogboro, Arewa Consultative Forum statement displayed arrogance and high level of selfishness and insincerity . Meanwhile, SFYY lauded the majority of open-minded northerners who are also working with southerners to make sure that presidency shifts to southern Nigeria in 2023 as a sign of patriotism, promotion of Nigerian geopolitics and federal character .
“Any individual who is devising dirty means to be getting crumbs from greedy politicians, any jobless youth who wants to use politics as a mean of scaling wall of poverty should not use our multi ethnic structures in a negative way to achieve that”, Femi cautioned .
“The submission of Yerima clearly portrays him as a puppet, pawn and someone who wants to advance a course that notable northern leaders are dissociating themselves from”.
“Nigeria is a developing country. This status gives anybody that really wants to grow the ample opportunities in different fields of human endeavours to progress rather than to become a political jobber and a willing tool in the hands of political cabals”.
“As youths we should eschew primordial and primitive tribal and regional sentiments . Nigeria needs a leader that can unite us, build our economy, fight insecurity, reposition almajirai system, fight thuggery and hooliganism. Hunger is common in a major oil producing country of ours, a leader that will take the mantle and guide us into achieving these should be our thematic preoccupation irrespective of any region that such leader comes from. A leader that will build on the legacies and consolidate the efforts of President Muhammad Buhari”.
“On a final note, we demand from Yerima to withdraw his statement and apologize to southerners for the interest of oneness, unity, peace and progress”, SFYY demanded .