A Second Chance !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Make hay while the sun shines is the prescribed approach to life in order to enjoy its privileges and gain timely relevance. However, due to the noise around and the clumsiness of the human mind, certain privileges that life offers may slip unknowingly. Does that depict the end of life? Oh! No.

What about hurts and offences? No one is flawless; our difference is in our diversity and personality traits. Our experiences and state of mind per time can also add up to how we relate with people and react to issues. What then happens when people offend us or we make irredeemable mistakes that make us hate ourselves and brood in regrets? Do we just walk away, weep over spilt milk, worry and withdraw from life?

It is time to let it all go away; the hurts, the pain, the offences, the regrets and the blame games. Forgive and give yourself a second chance. Second chances are rare but once nature throws it at us or the mind is prepared to give it as a favour to someone undeserving, why hold it back? True peace and long life cannot be attained if we continue to live as a shadow of ourselves because of some unpleasant and unfortunate incidences that we failed to control or we did not even have the capacity to control.
You deserve to live and not just exist. You deserve to love and be loved. You deserve to heal and enjoy all the good that life can offer. Nevertheless, if life in a season decides not to show you kindness, brace up, look life in the eye and be resolute never to stop until you soar. If you deserve all the good your mind can conceive, then that fellow who had done you some ills deserves a second chance too, a second chance to prove his/her worthiness, a second chance to right the wrongs and show a willingness to turn a new leaf.
Consequently, be sure to let time confirm your healing and readiness to take a new leap; and if you will be giving someone a second chance, let time prove the person’s change of heart so that you won’t offer a second chance to an unready heart who will rub it on you. Do not give up on yourself neither should you give up on anyone. A second chance is a sacred choice. If you are given a second chance, never misuse it.