About Intellectual Elite Youth Association Of Nigeria IEYAN

About Intellectual Elite Youth Association Of Nigeria IEYAN.
About The Association
Intellectual Elite Youth Association of Nigeria(IEYAN) is a non-political youth organization whose vision, is to bring to effective operation; the NOT TOO YOUNG TO RUN ACT and to consciously be the antidote to curbing youth thuggery in the Nigeria’s electoral process.
IEYAN came into existence as an independent forum of Individuals, Youth Organizations, Associations, Artisans, Entertainers, Student’s groups. It’s a forum of all patriotic and progressive like-minded Nigerian Youths and students’ Associations, coming together into a single formidable socio-political forum, capable of mobilizing and organizing the Nigerian youths into a strong fold to the actualization of all the objectives of the No too Young to Run Act and other benefits incidental to that.
These association/youth groups work together under the umbrella of the forum for the speedy restoration of internal democracy, the achievement of national reconciliation, economic and social reconstruction and respect for human right and the rule of law.

The forum was founded by groups of patriotic, vibrant, charismatic, and professionals; distinguished Nigerian youths who believed in the Nigerian state and committed to making Nigeria the country of our dream through active youth engagement(s) and positive participation(s), working in collaboration with stakeholders in Nigerian youth agenda.

Presently, the group has it presence in all the 774 Local governments of the Nigeria, 36 states and including F.C.T. Abuja.
To create a society in which an informed and active citizenry (YOUTHS) is sovereign and make informed policy decisions based democratic principles and the common good of the Nigerian Nation.
To build the Nigerian Youths democratically and achieve to the latter, the provisions of the Not to young to Run Act through Activism, Education, Empowerment and Collaborations with other groups with similar interest.
We are not thugs, we are responsible youths. We will not fight with the government or go against the constitution. But we will make our voice heard in a constructive and matured way through dialogues and other legitimate ways.
i. Transparency and accountability
ii. Originality
iii. Inclusiveness
iv. Quality and Excellence
v. Non-partisanship
vi. Dexterity
vii. Teamwork
- Increase and support youth participation in political activities, governance process and sustenance of democracy.
- Identify, mobilize, organize, engage and position our youth to be economically empowered.
- Promote and advocate for social inclusion, social justice and peace
building. - Foster linkages and partnership with key youth decision makers.
- To encourages proper representative government and participatory
democracy among the youth and the citizens at large. - Provide political and citizenships education to the young and citizens at large.
- It is not aligned to any political parties to pressures group but rather support eligible candidate for any electoral position.
- To encourage good governance, transparency and accountability in the
Local, State and Federal Government. - To encourage national integration/building that is devoiced of ethnicity, tribalism and religious fanaticism.
- To inculcate the spirit of patriotism and nationalism among the youth and citizens.
- To promote patriotism, youth participation, good government and responsible citizenship as well as sexual and reproductive health.
- To carryout programs, activities and initiatives which aimed at improving the livelihoods and promotes the well being and induction of Nigerian youth and the development of communities.
- Organize seminars, workshop and other youth engagement for a members and other Nigeria youth.
- To promote youth entrepreneurship and engage in viable partnership for the attainment of our objectives
- To coordinate grassroots groups for the advancement of Nigeria youth, their communities and the country in general
- To encourage the formation of youth discussion groups, forum and parliaments at the community level.
- Promote an egalitarian society founded on fraternity, freedom, equality and justice
- Uphold the independence of the judiciary and the fundamental right enshrined in the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.
- Political Participation
- Good Governance
- Strengthening Democracy
- Economic Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Development
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Reawakening our core Values
- Peace-Building and Conflict PMR
- Partnerships
- Charity
- Advocacy
- Research, statistics and planning
- Awareness creation through sensitization, peaceful processions and IEC
materials - Capacity building through seminars, workshops, summit, conference etc
- Stakeholders’ engagement and participation.
Inaugurate the national working committee of the IEYAN
2. Inaugurate the state working committees in the 36 states of the country and Including FCT
Thanks and God bless you.
Signed: Comrade Ewetola Yusuff Opeyemi Ieyan State Chairman Oyo State Chapter.