ACTIVISM: My Exit of Students’ Unionism !! By AbdulAzeez AbdulMalik

ACTIVISM: My Exit of Students’ Unionism !! By AbdulAzeez AbdulMalik.
I don’t intend to bore you with academic theories or competing ethical conducts and morals, but they’re as well necessary as a guide to successfully read the map and geography of our lives and individual worlds.
The past eight years of my life has been caught up with many activities, on personal development, pursuit of a degree and active participation in Students’ Unionism. Majorly, I represented my department at College, served in the Students’ Union as Speaker, served in NANS as a Media Assistant to a former Senate President and other official and domestic functions, led the regional leadership of the association of my course of study.

I was involved in many sociopolitical groups, activities and forums. I have served in committees, chaired or acted as secretary, some as member. Participated in students protests and rallies, featured on radio and TV stations to debate and make positions on issues of students and youths concern, etc. Attended conferences, NANS conventions with its dramas, summits and ideological assemblies. My undergraduate years was filled and indeed value-parked, never regret any.

I am glad I had those experiences. And I am particularly glad I made a lot of friends in the cause of that buildup and journey.
Today marked what I can call my end to active participation in Students’ Unionism and its local politics. In the past few months, I have served as Chairman of the Students’ Union Electoral Committee of my great university. A beautiful and thrilling experience for me and the team we served together. Gentlemen and beautiful ladies. Fiercely ideological and calm. A great team. We indeed delivered and succeeded. Even when the process is encroached with controversies, odd claims, fears, threats, funny stories, disagreements and all, – we fall far to the other shore, we thrive. I once read that leadership is lonely. And you have to state what you believe in, even if it’s unpopular. We did just that. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” The assignment is a good note to mark my personal exit of students’ activism and engagements.
I have walked and made an imprint. It is such a nice experience. And I have kept to my ideological view and understanding about leadership, morals and ethics. I have had the cause to change my position when they conflict with reality and truth and hold on to it when I had to. I have also had to shift ground as I relate with ‘devils’ or people who aren’t motivated in anything progressive. Quite frankly.
To weather the slings and arrows of years of those service, and not lose a fraction of one’s signature, grit and integrity, that’s not just a legacy I believe.
I will continue to serve in advisory roles when and where necessary, attend seminars, deliver lectures, read, write and make positions on societal issues of concern.
May we all continue to illuminate our worlds. ✊🏾
AbdulAzeez, AbdulMaleek
2nd March, 2022