Ajimobi’s Health : Get Well Soon The Great Leader of Leaders – Arisekola-Alao Prays

Ajimobi’s Health : Get Well Soon The Great Leader of Leaders – Arisekola-Alao Prays .
“The past few days have been filled with worries following false reports about your health status, the great KOSELERI of Oyo state. We are however happy to learn that you are recovering well”.
“I want to remind you how strong you have always been sir. You are valiant, resolute and a survivor. Yes, recovery is hard work—but you’re not alone the great Archipelago. Not a day goes by that you aren’t thought of and wished well in my prayers sir”.

“I want you to get better and get back to your amazing self soon!
I am thinking about you every day and praying for your full recovery”.

“May no Alaroka and Abatenije see joy over you. May your enemies serving as the free crusaders and evangelists of your death news be put to shame”.
“May you come out of that situation stronger and better. Get well soon Akanji”, Umar Farouk Arisekola Alao prayed .