
Aleshinloye Congratulates New CCII Exco Led By President-elect, Barr Ajeniyi Ajewole

Aleshinloye Congratulates New CCII Exco Led By President-elect, Barr Ajeniyi Ajewole.

The immediate past ALGON Chairman, in Oyo State, Prince Ayodeji Abass-Aleshinloye MDII has congratulated the newly elected President of the Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes (CCII), Barrister Ajeniyi Ajewole.

The Ex-Algon chairman’s message of felicitation was contained in a statement issued yesterday in Ibadan  through his media office.
In the  statement, Aleshinloye described Ajewole’s emergence as a mark of his commitment to the development of the council as well as to the progress of Ibadanland.

While praying for God’s guidance and wisdom for the CCII president Ajewole, Aleshinloye  urged him to be father to all,treat all Ibadan people and organizations  fairly, address the issues of security, basic infrastructure,create more jobs for the youths and form a leadership of inclusiveness where Ibadan natives will have a sense of belonging.

“Your emergence as the president is a testimony to your goodwill and pedigree across the state and should continue on the path of transparency, probity and accountability as already enshrined in the practice of the Council over the years” he said

The Most Distinguished Ibadan Indigene (MDII) wished the new President a successful tenure  in the service of his people and country while also wishing the outgoing president, Prince Adeaga continued success in his endeavors.

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