An Untamed Appetite !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Hello! Dear reader
How have you been? It’s time for another gist article. This time, I want to emphasize the importance of having a good, well balanced and controllable appetite but before I dig into it, let’s see the meaning of appetite.
The oxford dictionary defined appetite as a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially food. It can be a craving, yearning or passion for a particular thing, way of life, standard of living or food. Human needs are insatiable they say? Yes, that is what years of existing on this terrestrial ball has proven.
Apart from cases of ill-health and an unpleasant state of the mind, humans have eyes for good things and also taste buds for a good appetite. Sadly, there is an upward unfortunate trend of untamed appetite; it was previously hidden but now, it is parading itself in white Kaftan. A constant satisfaction of a particular appetite can become a habit or addiction. At the same time, an unsatisfied appetite can also lead to frustration. What then is necessary? Control, the determination to control one’s appetite is very necessary.
Quest for fame, power, position, money, material possessions, independence, luxury etc has turned a lot of young and old folks to selfish monsters who would not mind to hurt other humans in a bid to get their quest fulfilled. It has placed some others in misery and bondage because they met with demands they never bargained for. They allowed their appetite to control them; they forgot that there is a price to pay for anything and everything in life.
Many a young ladies have been put in the family way because they could not control their appetite – money, material gifts, edibles and trips have been used as irresistible baits. They forgot that gift blinds the eyes. Some of the many wives who are enduring abuse and domestic violence are doing so because of the financial and material gains the relationship offers and guarantees, just because they cannot stand to go hungry or not possess the things in vogue. They are trendy in their outward appearances but inwardly broken, battered and bruised.
I say to you, be patient. Pay the price of diligence now, so you can enjoy the good you desire in a more comfortable way without sorrow or skeletons in the cupboard.