ARE YOU A FUNNEL OR A SIEVE? !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Hello reader! How do you do today?
Are you a funnel or a sieve?
Let’s quickly see the difference between a funnel and a sieve?
Funnel is a cone like object, pipe or tube through which a substance gets into another object, container or body. A sieve on the other hand is an object with a net or perforations through which a finer particle, substance or liquid can be separated from lumps, particles and solid substance. In most cases, the one part of the separated substances will be useless and unwanted while the other will be useful and wanted.
A funnel transmits whatever substance that is being poured into it – useful or useless, just exactly as it is. A sieve on the other hand will separate the bad and useless from the good and useful. Everyone is expected to be a sieve. We should know when and how to learn, unlearn and relearn the lessons, experiences and peculiarities of life.
In whatever place we find ourselves, in whatever situation or relationship, we should make it a point of duty to make a positive change and leave things and people better than we met them. We should sieve our thoughts, exposure and interactions before imbibing them or projecting them back to people. Ask yourself to know if you can tolerate what you are about to dish to people before you dish it out.
Notwithstanding, we should try not to sieve out or hold back useful information from people. I would say that hoarding information is an act of wickedness. We must also not sieve out our conscience, our conscience is supposed to be our first police, we must not shut it up if it tries to correct or commend us.
In the same way, we should not let the useless substances that life has poured into us in the form of bitterness; disappointment, envy, strife and other ill reside long in us. We must discard the bad and useless substances that we have separated. We should not turn them to baggage that will affect our health, sever our relationships with people or change our good nature.
We only live once. Everyone is a saviour in whatever field or environment he finds himself because there must have been some hurdles that he had conquered. So he is blessed to have conquered those hurdles so that he can also lead others to conquer. Be that big tree that gives shades to others. Be a sieve.