Attitudes of godsons and dilemma of their godfathers ! Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo

Attitudes of godsons and dilemma of their godfathers ! Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo .
“Socrates’ Thinkery”
Attitudes of godsons and dilemma of their godfathers .

Most of the godsons have kid -like characters. When you give them ‘sweet’ to keep it for you, they mostly personalise it and they are ready to draw battle lines against you whenever you make attempt to get it back, benefit from it or claim the ownership of such candy. Of course , this can be likened to the rein of leadership or power that a godfather just passed to his godson.

Godfathers may continue gnawing their teeth and biting their fingers forever and ever if they fail to devise third eyes to see the differences between unalloyed loyalty and persuasive sychopancy .
In Nigerian politics , I doubt it if many of the gatekeepers truly understand what loyalty really mean . Oh My God! May be that is why loyalty means different thing to different godfather .
Despite the fact that I detest treachery or whoever that has tendencies of a traitor, still I believe that most of the godfathers are the architects of their downfalls . Instead of looking for matured minds who know right from wrong, most of the power brokers do hunt for feeble minds that they can ask to play fools, act pawns and play puppets .
When any of their such perceived fools ascends the throne , palace politics naturally begin and he finds it difficult to separate chaff from wheat when veteran manipulators start fingering his brains against his former mentor .
Palace gatekeepers manipulate him against his former benefactor(s), and his gullibility, naivety, ego and emotion might also make him to be easily susceptible to the manipulation .
Many godfathers detest matured minds, active followers , courageous proteges or influential disciples . No matter how such followers are open-minded and loyal to them , they do naturally feel insecure and believe that such able hands will be uncontrollable .
Even, at local levels, many have turned themselves to demigods , machiavellian autocrats and petrifying legends. No matter how realisable your agenda is, no matter how influentially you have nurtured it, no matter how clean- minded you are towards them, they will still feel insecure and look for someone they think they can twist at their wish .
Either extroversion or introversion, no one is bad. What is bad is arrogance or selfishness. Most of the godfathers do look for pseudo -lovers and apologists that may soon leave them when the milks are no more gushing or to them, the needs of their godfathers have stopped .
I feel for genuine godfathers as they sacrifice a lot to make just a godson and it is only God that can bountifully reward the genuine one but their dilemmas may stop the day they have devised third eyes to differentiate between ‘eye service’ and unalloyed loyalty. The day they feel secured with their respectful but outspoken proteges. The day they are able to know who is only working on their psychology to get what he or she needs and who truly adores them . The day they day are able to know who is just massaging their egos and who truly hold them in high esteem.
Truly gold does not betray but power does and people do not betray but time does . Meanwhile, under all circumstances, great minds and matured minds remain as constant as sun and they never bite the fingers that fed them .
Yours philosophically,
Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo(Socrates),
Political Researcher and Freelance Writer ,
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria .
E-mail : socrates4humanity@gmail .