Technology has added an array of colours to human existence. We can access the whole world within a split second right from the comfort of our location per time. Technology has played a lot of beautiful roles in stabilizing us and enhancing a bounce back after the intense COVID-19 era.
Technology has made long-distance relationships possible and quite rosy. It has enhanced our net worth as well as our global network but pause for a second; hope you have not become so much engrossed in the beautiful benefits of technology to the detriment of your physical relationships.
A lot of social media platforms are in existence and it is of no doubt that technology will continue to improve and change. This change is going to be so unimaginable that the urge to flow with its tides will gradually announce the obituary of our immediate physical relationships, if conscious care is not taken.

No matter how geographically diversified your network, and influence is, if you are lagging behind in your roles in your immediate physical relationships, then technology is doing more harm to you than good. Your nuclear family, religious and social affiliations are going to remain stable (they are not going anywhere) regardless of how sporadic technology continues to evolve.

Imagine a man whose net worth spans across all currencies in 6 digits but whose wife and children lack affection, attention, availability and affirmation, how do you think his net worth will redeem that vacuum? Or a woman whose social media network, influence and fame is much more than enough to cover the sea yet fails in her responsibilities as a wife and mother.
Do you think her network will help redeem her home, joy and peace in the long run? Or a people who are internet savvy yet lack unity, purpose and peace, will technology play their roles for them?
A Yoruba adage states, “omo t’a baa ko, la k’ole t’ako ta”, which means a child we do not train will sell off the house we built. Take a look at how devastating the influence of technology has ripped families apart, influenced youths into cyber crime under their parents’ noses and has also encouraged cyber loafing at work which has in turn affected productivity and profitability; hardly will we see a large percentage of families that still treasure quality family time, togetherness and training.
The most important stage of a child’s life is his formation years, which is usually between child birth and the end of teen years (at most 21 years of age). At age 21, the kind of approach you would employ to discipline a child at age 5 or 15 will no longer be relevant. Our net worth will only give our children a quality standard of living but what about having a corresponding quality standard of integrity?
After all said and done, our contribution to our community and our commitment to our religious affiliation will determine what will be said at our funeral service. It is high time we started sieving all that technology has to offer and balance every aspect of our human relations while we satisfy our curiosity; and enhance our network and net worth. Blessed new month of August to you.