Biizinillahi: A Glittery Legacy !! By Adejare Ibrahim

Biizinillahi: A Glittery Legacy !! By Adejare Ibrahim.
“Baba Biizinillahi prepared well for his death.
Till death, he didn’t miss his solat in Jama’ah (subhi, zuhr, asr, mogrib and ishaai).

Till death, he stayed back in the mosque, after subhi prayer, till sunrise and observed solatu duha.

Till death, he stayed in the mosque after mogrib till ishaai.
Till death, he never missed tarawih in the month of Ramadan.
Till death, he didn’t miss fasting on Monday and Thursday.
Till death, he didn’t miss fasting on 13th, 14th and 15th of every Islamic month.
Till death, he relentlessly embarked on umrah (lesser pilgrimage) to Makkah and Madinah to serve his God and pay visit to the Prophet’s mosque.
Yet, Baba was rich and influential. He towered over many of his peers.
Dear children of Baba Biizinillahi, these are worthy legacies left by your father. Don’t quarrel over ephemerals.
This is where your strength and honour lie. Don’t ever derail from this worthy and enviable path.
Again, this is where your pride and dignity lie, not in his wealth or property.
Adhere strictly to these glittery legacies and your lives shall be worthy of emulation.
We love your father. May Allah bless his soul.
خير الناس، من طال عمره وحسن عمله .