
Birthday: 2027 House of Reps Hopeful, Asiwaju Olumide Alli Celebrates Oyo APC Chair, Alhaji Moshood Olayide Abas At 75

Asiwaju Olumide Yaqub Alli (OYA), a compassionate and people-focused aspirant for the House of Representatives from Akinyele/Lagelu Federal Constituency come 2027 has congratulated Alhaji Moshood Olayide Abas, Oyo State’s acting APC chairman, on his 75th birthday.

In his heartfelt wishes, former council leader, Hon. Alli praised Alhaji Abas as a visionary leader whose tireless efforts and selflessness have profoundly impacted Oyo State and its people.

“Alhaji Abas’ dedication to good governance, fairness, and unity has earned him widespread respect. His remarkable years of service showcase wisdom, resilience, and unwavering progress.

In the congratulatory message issued by the influential Oyo APC Chieftain, Hon. Alli joined numerous party members and well-wishers in celebrating Alhaji Abas’ milestone birthday, acknowledging his life’s dedication to serving others. Alhaji Abas’ leadership inspires others with his vision, strength, and commitment to APC ideals.

Alli wished Alhaji Abas continued good health, wisdom, happiness, and more accomplishments in the years to come.

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