BIRTHDAY: Communication Strategist, Ibrahim Adejare Reminisces, Glowingly Celebrates Mum At 70

BIRTHDAY: Communication Strategist, Ibrahim Adejare Reminisces, Glowingly Celebrates Mum At 70.

Today Is My Mum’s seventieth (70th) Birthday!
Many housewives know her as a counsellor par excellence. If you go to Oyo Town today, just ask of Mama Shehu Iyawo Mukadam from many housewife, they will tell you her sterling attributes. While we were young, if any housewife misbehaved, their people would either refer her to learn from my mum’s dispositions or send her on a refresher course under her tutelage.
I wish every housewife could be like her. Oro po ninu iwe kobo. She is endurance and patience personified. She went through a lot because of us. Days of sadness, days of joy! Through thick and thin, she was there for us. She remained dutiful to our dad till he breathed his last. She would never grandstand or stand up to my dad to prove her own points.

Mummy, a Christian, left her town in Iguebe, Edo State, to marry a man (Mukadam) in Oyo Town – a town she never knew, let alone living there. After marrying my dad, she totally (100%) submitted to him in all aspects of life.

Everything about her changed. Knowing that my father was a prince, Mum started adapting herself to all the culture and traditions of the Yorubas. She made conscious efforts at understanding the typical Yoruba language. Though, till date, she is not so fluent in speaking it like us; however, I laugh, at times, whenever she is dishing out some Yoruba proverbs.
Someone who had never tasted amala in her life started eating amala, gbegiri and ewedu. Eventually, she became an expert in the preparation of amala and ewedu for my dad. Graciously, she abandoned the Edo traditional cuisine for the Oyo local foods. She never nagged or complained against aligning her way of life to her husband’s.
My dad gave her the option of continuing with the practice of her religion (Christianity) or converting to be a Muslim. Without any iota of hesitation, she opted for what she knew my dad preferred. She became a Muslim. In 1981, she went on pilgrimage with my dad to the Holy Land. Today, mummy is a devout Muslim. In those days, I remember how she stood on our neck, so that we would observe solaat. Mummy can pray, ehn…Iya Adua!
Let me tell you more amazing things about her. She’s so respectful and down to earth. Mummy is passionately humble. She can knee down for anyone, especially if it is for her children’s sake or for them to have their ways in life. Everyone, to her, is daddy, mummy, booda and aunty. Even those she’s far older than, they’re still her daddy and mummy.
In 2001 (22 years ago), when my daddy died, she was 48 years old. This is what I’ve never told her or anyone in my life. I was quitely stalking and monitoring her if she will opt to re-marry. Lol…By the grace of Almighty God, she endured and opted to remain a widow till she joins her dear husband in paradise. She remains faithfully committed to her husband, both in life and death.
She will express her wish and will in the most gentle ways. Mummy is a subtle disciplinarian, who will never side us when we are wrong. Mummy will never see anything wrong in what her sons-in-law do. Rather, she will call her daughters to order. At times, she will scold them in the presence of their husbands. No wonder they all take her as their second mother.
Mummy, you have taught us a lot about life. From you, we have learnt series of life lessons – humility, generosity, self-restraint, self-respect, kindness, forbearance, discipline, largeheartedness and other enviable moral values. Till date, you are still teaching us. We are grateful for whom you are in our lives. We are eternally grateful for training us in the best of ways.
Mummy, we owe you special gratitude. Nothing is too much to gift you in reciprocation of what you have deliberately impacted on us. Specially, I owe you a lot. You have motivated and supported me in all my endeavours. You are my number one religious and political fan. You love everything I do. You made me love reading. All those times you scolded me, I knew it was for a good purpose. We thank God for what we are today.
Iye, may you live long in joy, happiness and prosperity. In your presence, we shall be great. May Allah enrich us the more, so that we can fulfill all the promises we made to always make you happy. You shall know no sorrow till the end of your life. Mummy, we pray for your sound health. Ee ni fi aisan lo’gba. Isu omo a tun bo jinna fun yin je. Ee ni ku bayi. Igba odun, odun kan ni. E ku oriire ojoibi yin.