
Birthday: Dr Ajadi Congratulates Asiwaju At 70

Birthday: Dr Ajadi Congratulates Asiwaju At 70.

Founder, Moshood Ajadi Foundation(MOSH) and renowned international Scholar, Doctor Moshood Ajadi has described the National leader of All Progressives Congress(APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the visionary leader Nigeria needs, come 2023.

Doctor Moshood Ajadi stated this in a congratulatory message issued to celebrate the 70th birthday of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu which was made available to journalists, in Ibadan.

Ajadi said that,’That you have set standard in leadership within and outside the confines of our political space as a nation and by extension a continent is acknowledged by your political associates and detractors.

“You have become a beacon of direction , quintessence of excellence and steady channel of leadership production.

According to Dr Ajadi the Jagaban Borgu has contributed greatly to the advancement of the country’s nascent democracy.

Ajadi wishex Asiwaju Tinubu, happy birthday, long life and prosperity.

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