
Birthday: Dr Moshood Abioye Celebrates Oniroko of Iroko Land

In a blissful display of loyalty and compassion, the renowned international scholar, Dr. Moshood Abioye (Mosh), who hails from Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, has felicitated with His Royal Highness, Oba Olasunkanmi Ismail Abioye Opeola, the Oniroko of Iroko Land, on the occasion of His Royal Highness’ this year’s birthday celebration.

This is contained in a statement Abioye personally signed and made available to newsmen on Saturday in Ibadan.

Abioye, the founder of the Moshood Ajadi Foundation, acknowledged Oba Olasunkanmi Ismail Abioye Opeola’s remarkable contributions to the development of Iroko Land and Oyo State in general.

The CEO of the Mosh Estrella Institute, Abioye, extolled Oniroko’s royal panache and exemplary leadership, which have served as a source of inspiration to many within and outside of Iroko Land.

Akinyele Fiesta’s exponent said that Oba Abioye has made an immense impact on the traditional landscape of Iroko, Akinyele, Oyo State, and Nigeria at large.

Abioye applauded His Royal Highness’ dedication to the progress of Iroko Land, his tireless efforts in promoting peaceful coexistence, and his unwavering commitment to the welfare of his subjects.

The principal partner at Heim Weldios University expressed gratitude for His Royal Highness’ selfless service to Iroko land, praying that he would continue to be a beacon of hope and source of inspiration to his subjects and generations to come.

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