
Birthday: Policy Expert, Engr Joseph Tegbe Felicitates With Ex-CBN Deputy Gov, Chief Bayo Adelabu At 51

Chief Bayo Adelabu.

Birthday: Policy Expert, Engr Joseph Tegbe Felicitates With Ex-CBN Deputy Gov, Chief Bayo Adelabu At 51.

The renown policy Expert, Engr Joseph Tegbe has felicitated with the former Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN), Chief Bayo Adelabu on the occasion of his 51st year birthday celebration.

An official congratulatory message issued by Engr Tegbe reads thus:“Happy birthday to my brother, Oloye Adebayo Adebayo.

“Your contributions to the development of our dear state and country is well noted. Your love for our dear state is commendable.

“On this occasion of your 51st birthday, my prayer for you is that God Almighty keep you in good health for many more years.

“I also pray that the Almighty grants you the strength to renew your commitment to the service of humanity”, Engr Joseph Olasunkanmi Tegbe concluded.

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