Celebrating Dada Olusegun’s Appointment As SA on Social Media to President Tinubu: A Well-Deserved Recognition | Prince John Oyetunji Aremu

Celebrating Dada Olusegun’s Appointment As SA on Social Media to President Tinubu: A Well-Deserved Recognition | Prince John Oyetunji Aremu.
In a remarkable turn of events of Dada Olusegun’s appointment as the Special Assistant to President Tinubu on Social Media. This appointment comes as no surprise to those of us who have witnessed Dada’s unwavering dedication, hard work, and relentless spirit. As the youth leader of our great party, the APC in Oyo state, I take immense pleasure in extending my heartfelt congratulations to my dear friend and brother, @do.lusegun
You journey to this prestigious position has been nothing short of inspiring. From your early days as a passionate social media enthusiast, you consistently demonstrated an unmatched level of tenacity and focus. Your ability to connect with people from all walks of life and the deep understanding of the power of the media as a tool for change has set you apart from the rest. This appointment is a testament to his exceptional skills and your unwavering commitment to promoting the Commonwealth decisions of the Mr President.

This recognition is a true reflection of your hard work and dedication. You have shown an unparalleled work ethic that has earned you this well-deserved recognition. Your tireless efforts in disseminating accurate information, engaging with the public, and promoting the Mr President’s agenda have not gone unnoticed. Your ability to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape and commitment to staying ahead of the curve have made you an invaluable asset to the Mr President.

Meanwhile, the president’s decision to appoint you as his Special Assistant on Social Media is a testament to his astute judgment and recognition of talent. President Tinubu has chosen an individual who possesses an innate ability to effectively communicate with the masses, harness the power of social media, and amplify the presidency message. As an experienced and skilled social media strategist, Dada will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping President Tinubu’s digital presence and further strengthening his connection with the Nigerian people.