Christian Evangelism in Oyo State Public Schools !! By Morufu Smith

Christian Evangelism in Oyo State Public Schools !! By Morufu Smith.
Now is one of such sad times that the memories of late Alhaji Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi refuse to go away. Despite his human imperfections, his reigns as a two-time governor of Oyo state brought religious balance, religious justice and harmony to the state.
Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi as a governor did not allow Christians to oppress Muslims neither did he allow Muslims to oppress Christians. He treated the two religions fairly and he allowed justice to prevail, giving each faith the rights and privileges they deserved.

It’s no longer news that Christian evangelism by one Daniel Kolenda has taken over public schools in Oyo state as there are viral videos to that effect. It’s equally no wonder that the media have lost their hypocritical voices in condemning this intrusion to academic environments.

It’s also no longer shocking that those human rights activists who are selective in the rights they fight for do not see the injustice and the infringement on the rights of minors – pupils and students – by the evangelical invasion. No Christian has seen reasons to condemn the act since it’s about spreading the gospel of Jesus, same way that no Muslim would have seen nothing wrong in such act if it was Islamic evangelism that was brought to public schools except that cries of islamisation of public schools in Oyo state would have rend the airs if it was the other way round.
Such flagrant evangelical invasion either from Muslims or Christians would not have happened under the no-nonsense nose of Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi in public schools in Oyo state.
May Allah continue to be pleased with the graceful soul of Alhaji Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi and accept him into the apex of Paradise.