
CHRISTMAS: Prince Akinremi Jagaban Joins Ibadan North Christians in Celebration; Congratulates Oyo State Governor over Birthday

Member of the House of Representatives representing Ibadan North Federal Constituency, Rt. Hon. Prince Olaide Akinremi, popularly known as Jagaban, has written to celebrate with all Christians in his constituency on this year’s Christmas festival, while also congratulating the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Engr. Seyi Makinde, on the occasion of his 56th birthday on Monday, December 25, 2023.

Hon. Olaide Akinremi, in a statement he personally signed, stated that,”I rejoice with all Christians in Ibadan North Federal Constituency on this year’s occasion of the Christmas festival, a significant and highly important event within Christendom from years past till now.

“Christmas holds great significance as it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and admonishes humanity on the importance of love, selflessness, and genuine interrelationships amongst people.

“As we celebrate this happy and beautiful festival, we should be in remembrance of our much-needed commitment to preach love and do good to our fellow humans, as well as our important dedication to the progress of our dear nation.

“While also revelling in the excitement that this season brings, we must also avail ourselves of this opportunity to pray for our loved ones and our country as we look towards a new year where we hope for a blissful and fulfilling time for all Nigerians.

“Additionally, I’m also using this avenue to congratulate the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Egnr. Seyi Makinde, on this year’s occasion of his birthday today, December 25, 2023.

“It is my hope that his administration will continue to work collaboratively with elected and appointed government representatives at all levels to enable and foster continuous development in our dear state. 

“The President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s-led Federal Government remains committed to ensuring a better life for all Nigerians, irrespective of social, cultural, or political affiliations, and Oyo State, just like its compatriots, must also be partakers in the vision that is designed to improve the welfare of our people.

Lastly, it is my profound prayer that we all become truly joyful; may God’s peace find us; and may we all be bountifully blessed this Christmas season and beyond, Amen.


Rt. Hon. Prince Olaide Akinremi Jagaban.
MHR Representing Ibadan North Federal Constituency.

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