Coronavirus : Seven Psychological Vaccines That Protect Your Mental Health

Coronavirus : Seven Psychological Vaccines That Protect Your Mental Health .

Our minds do more work than we think. Among the various minds, reason has played a very important role, especially in the progress of mankind.
Our minds have also created the wisdom to overcome infectious diseases.
We think it’s important to keep your mind safe.
We hope that the seven psychological vaccines will help us overcome the coronavirus.

- (1) First vaccine called Encouragement : Encourage yourself!
Accept and acknowledge the stress response as normal. And encourage yourself.
“I’m controlling my emotions and taking good care of my worries! I need to be careful but I won’t worry too much .”

- (2) Second vaccine called Positivity : Do good things!
Do small things that help relieve stress for people around you or members of the community.
“It’s okay even if it’s trivial. I will send a message of encouragement or call someone who’s having a hard time .”

- (3) Third vaccine called Practice : Take the initiative in keeping personal hygiene regulations!
Observe personal hygiene regulations and act morally and ethically.
“I will wash my hands well, always wear a mask, and keep my cough etiquette!”

- (4) Fourth vaccine called Knowledge : Know accurately!
Get regular access to information from trusted sources and get to know the coronavirus properly.
“I’m not gonna be fooled by the fake news.”

- (5) Fifth vaccine called Hope : Know it’s over at the end!
Many infectious disasters have cycles. Clearly recognize that the end comes after the coronavirus disease pandemic.
“Even if it gets a little longer, it’ll be over soon! The cure will come out soon.”

- (6) Sixth vaccine called Information : Know how to get help!
Check in advance where to contact when suspected symptoms occur, such as a public health center or a screening clinic.
“There are many places to help! All I have to do is get in touch!”

- (7) Seventh vaccine called Balance : Maintain a balanced reason!
Strive for the balance of emotion and reason, the balance of body and mind, the balance of family and work, and the balance of anxiety and stability. Loss of balance between body and mind creates confusion. Try to have a proper sense of balance.
“Let’s trust my reason! Let’s deal wisely and wisely! Don’t get too emotional!”

Source – Kim Hyun-soo, director of the Seoul Covid 19 Psychological Support Center .

Computer-assisted resilience training to prepare healthcare workers for pandemic influenza: a randomized trial of the optimal dose of training
Robert G Maunder et al. BMC Health Services Research volume 10, Article number: 72 (2010)