COVID-19 : Again, Alli Egbesola Wages War Against Coronavirus, Solidarises With Nigerian Students, Nigerian Masses

“Team ALLI EGBESOLA FOR NANS NATIONAL PRESIDENT-2020″ has reinforced its campaigns and struggles against the spread of COVID-19 popularly known as Corona Virus .
The campaign platform has also commended the good Samaritans who have extended hands of supports and solidarity to people in this trying time of Corona Virus Pandemic and as well encouraged governments at all strata to put all inclusive social security programmes in place to cushion the effects of hunger and boredom.
This is contained in press release issued by the campaign movement and made available to newsmen in Ibadan today.

The full press release reads thus ;

“He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything . Health is the real wealth but not the bars of gold or silver. Healing is a matter of time but it is sometimes also a matter of Grace. You are in pretty good shape for the shape you are in, early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and hearty”.
And Of the greatest Nigerian Students!!!
Solidarity greetings to all Nigerian Students and Nigerian Masses in this trying time of ravaging COVID-19 popularly known as Coronavirus . The vibrations of these Aluta greetings are not from any quarter except that of “Team ALLI EGBESOLA FOR NANS NATIONAL PRESIDENT-2020” . This is not just a virus but an agent of destruction against world health, against world economy and against Humanity in general . As the virus does not know class strata, racial background, political affiliation or religious belief, then it is against us all and we must all unite, cooperate and solidarise with each other to defeat our this common enemy called Corona virus .

Thanks to all Nigerian Students for complying and joining hands together with relevant authorities, their measures and health-wise professional ways of curbing the spread of this deadly pandemic disease, COVID-19. The one that affects us directly which is closing down of our institutions of learning and that of respective State lockdown which affects our parents and hinder them to go on with their daily occupational activities that bring breads to our tables, it is hard but a price we need to pay .”Stay Home, Stay Safe”.
We appreciate our health workers for standing firm in the front lines of fighting our common enemy called Coronavirus. As at now, we have more than 24 people recovered from this deadly disease .
With this good news, it has shown that nothing last forever, even, the challenging situation like this. We are of great hope that we will overcome this trying time by collectively defeating this Pandemic Coronavirus.
With the lockdown/stay at home proactive measure/ preventive policy of governments at different strata, Coronavirus may be deadly but “Hunger-virus” is deadlier than Coronavirus, thank God Hunger-Virus has direct solution and food is that solution to it. Yes, let us use this medium to appreciate cheerful givers and pro-people individuals who have come out on rescue mission of common men from hunger without any discrimination, we say kudos and thanks to you all on behalf of the beneficiaries of your kind gestures across the boards .
Let us also use this medium to call attention of Federal Government of Nigeria to the issue of social security programmes and welfare packages, government should do the needful by giving out palliative measures to good people of Nigeria beyond the selective ongoing relief fund for some segments of the country, majority of us are all affected and in spirit of gratitude, we appreciate some state governments that have done that and other states should also join the train of good deeds .
It is not over until it is totally over, my people, don’t let us forget to take those precautions as advised by health professionals to contain and control the spread of Coronavirus:
- Avoid Crowded Gathering
- Keep Social Distancing
- Wash Your Hand Time to Time
- See Your Doctors If You Notice Any Symptoms of COVID-19
- Stay At home
Lastly we, “Team ALLI EGBESOLA FOR NANS NATIONAL PRESIDENT-2020 and our aspirant, ALLI EGBESOLA, vying for the position of NANS National President wish everybody well and pray that we shall overcome this Pandemic disease, COVID-19. Solidarity.
We promise to be pro-students, pro-people as we preach .
Your prayers, supports and votes are the answers.
Vote Humanity.”