
Desecration Of Soun’s Palace, Disheartening – Fatai Buhari

Desecration Of Soun’s Palace, Disheartening – Fatai Buhari.

Senator AbdulFatai Omotayo Buhari has condemned in strong terms the wantom attack on the Palace of His Royal Majesty, Oba Jimoh Oladunni Ajagungbade III, The Soun Of OgbimosoLand by certain miscreants.

The federal lawmaker representing Oyo North Senatorial District at the Red Chamber, Buhari in his reaction to the dastardly act urged the good people of the valiant town to calm down and maintain peace while necessary steps are being taken to put an end to all these issues of unrest.

” No right thinking sons and daughters will be happy to hear this very unfortunate incident happening in the town.

“The killing of the innocent souls by the yet to be identified overzealous security personnels is also not palatable to the ears.

‘ A meeting was ongoing on how best to put the situation at rest and these perpetrators jumped into the palace and started damaging things in the exalted palace. Who does that and goes free?

” These evil doers have rubbed salt on the injury of our dear very peaceful town and will be brought to justice.

” What if Baba was in the sitting room when these hoodlums forced themselves into the palace ?

” Imagine schools in the north and south axis of the town are closed for today. Just too sad a situation.

” Full investigation into the whole scenario is ongoing and all guilty persons shall face the full wrath of the law” Buhari assured.

The lawmaker called on all concerned stakeholders not to relent in their efforts at ensuring that peace returns to the ever peaceful town.

Buhari wished His Royal Majesty, Oba Jimoh Oladunni Ajagungbade III, The Soun Of OgbomosoLand, more years of very sound health in peaceful reign.

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