Dr Yunus Abiodun Akintunde, The Master Planner !! By Hameed Mustapha Ramadan

M- Master Planner
O- Open Minded Leader
R- Reliable Helmsman
E- Effective Gaffer
MORE; The Acronym that best suites Dr Yunus Abiodun Akintunde !! BY Hameed Mustapha Ramadan
As we all know, the time is fast approaching and the betterment of the people of Oyo Central Senatorial District is sacrosanct. Hence, the choice of Hon YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE who has decided to wade in to bear the burden of his people at the Red Chamber of the National Assembly.

Bearing in mind the Acronym, MORE which stands for, M-Master Planner, O- Open Mindedness, R- Reliability, and E- Effectiveness, I could categorically say that the personality of Hon YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE is the right man for the job. He understands the plight of his people and he has set up devices to help tackle the menaces battling against the development of Oyo Central Senatorial District, hitherto, the district has experienced some developmental strides and Hon YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE has taken it upon himself to consolidate on the impact of his predecessor.

Oyo Central Senatorial District deserves another touch of sustainable and human capital development which is paramount to the personal interest of the incoming ‘Distinguished Senator’, whose sterling heights in the political terrain of Oyo state stands tall in all ramifications.
I humbly implore our people to stand firm in working assiduously towards the electoral victory of Hon YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE in the forthcoming General Elections. We must stand to do it right, and by doing it right, we must queue behind the candidacy of Hon YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE as the incoming Senator for Oyo Central Senatorial District.
Eyes have seen, ears have heard of the testament of Hon YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE and how he has impacted his people positively, methinks, the more agenda would bring about all the much anticipated dividends of democracy we yearn for.
Talking about, ‘Master Planning‘, Dr YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE would strategize on the need to working with technocrats in making sure that the best and most reliable pieces of advice geared towards the good of the people are established.
Being ‘Open Mindedness‘, he is bent on making sure that his office is open to all and he would speak on issues concerning the development of the district, thereby giving room for matters of importance bent on public input keened to sustaining the mindset of the people in respect to their wishes and aspirations.
Reliability; This is one of the key importance of every leader and no one is considered a leader until proven to be trustworthy, reliable and faithful to himself and his people. As a matter of fact, Hon YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE is a man of his words and he believes in little words and plenty actions. He doesn’t say what he cannot do. Perhaps his personality tells more about him and his flare for the betterment of his people cannot be underestimated as he is the truest emblem of Reliability and Faithfulness.
Lastly, Effectiveness; this is something that boosts the morale of any leader to doing in accordance to his or her campaign promises. You cannot be effective in leadership if you fail to live up to expectations. However, I must say that being effective tells more on any leader who truly wants the people to invest in him, their trust and confidence.
Apparently, Dr YUNUS ABIODUN AKINTUNDE is an effective personality whose charisma is coined out of his unblemished seriousness to carry out campaign promises without veering off his tracks. He is bone of contention when it comes to effectiveness, and the good people of Oyo Central Senatorial District would have much to attest to when he finally gets elected.
Yunus Akintunde! Let’s Do ‘MORE’ for Oyo Central Senatorial District.