
Easter: Barr Akeem Agbaje Greets Christians, Urges Unity

A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Oyo State, Barrister Akeem Agbaje, has felicitated with Christians on the occasion of this year Easter celebration. 

In a statement released by him, the scion of Agbaje Salami L’Ayeye urged Christians to imbibe the lessons of the season in their daily lives and attitudes towards the nation. 

“Let me use this opportunity to congratulate my Christian brothers and sisters on the occasion of the Easter celebration. This is a period of spiritual rebirth, especially after the Lent period. I want to urge my Christian brothers and sisters to emulate the life of Jesus Christ, which epitomised love and sacrifice. 

The legal luminary submitted,”As Nigerians, we need to love one another regardless of religious, tribal, and other different affiliations. When there is love, there will be peace, progress, and prosperity, and at this crucial time in our national life, we need to love our dear country. Love for our country would see us eschew actions that can put her down and deter her progress. 

“As we pray for a better country and hope for it, we must put in the sacrificial work that creates a better country. We all have a role to play if we must realise the country of our dreams.” He submitted.

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