ECOWAS CHAIRMANSHIP: President Tinubu, Awakening Nigeria and Prosperity for Africa | Demoshood Abiola

A good leadership is the key to unlocking the economic potentials of Africa. Africa is ready to grow its commerce and industry but needs visionary leadership to follow through.
It should be noted that Africa is now, more than ever, primed for economic growth and productive partnerships. Citizens have become more aware and more engaged in the process of choosing their own leaders. They are dismantling undemocratic structures that have held them back far too long. With good leadership, AFRICAN economies are increasingly becoming more rational and focused on identifying what shall be their critical path to development.

African countries are seeking to be integrated into the global economy but according to their own definitions of their own benefit and interests. President Tinubu’s new role as the Chairman of ECOWAS, will provide opportunities for businesses to grow and flourish and for investors willing to harmonize their interests with those of a more independently-minded Africa and sub-region.

President Tinubu’s assured visionary, yet practical, leadership is essential for this process of Africa growth and development. Democracy brings prosperity, it is high time all African countries embrace democracy which President Tinubu harped on in his acceptance speech as ECOWAS Chairman. For the growth of Africa and sub-regions, National leadership across African states must establish the right policies, provide the necessary infrastructure and create the enabling institutional environment under which ambitious entrepreneurs can become productive.
Without economically astute African leaders, entrepreneurial development will be significantly hindered and limited. And without democracy, responsive leadership is a rarity almost impossible to come by.
We are certain ECOWAS set forth for ‘NEW DAWN’ under President Tinubu’s Chairmanship.