EDUCATION: Heim Weldios University Holds “Historic” Convocation, Matriculation • Int’l Scholar, Dr Moshood Ismail Abioye Bags ‘Meritorious Award’

EDUCATION: Heim Weldios University Holds “Historic” Convocation, Matriculation • Int’l Scholar, Dr Moshood Ismail Abioye Bags ‘Meritorious Award’.

Heim Weldios University of Management and Technology has conducted convocation for graduating students and also matriculated new one, on November 19, 2022 at Onuab (Ordre National Des Architectes Et Des Urbanistes Du Benin) OI BP 1981, Zone Des Ambassador Cotonou, Republic Du Benin.
The theme of the programme is Africa’s Electioneering Process: Getting Leader Right and it was delivered by Pastor (Dr) Joel Dipo Abadariki. The Varsity also unveiled “The Estrella”, New Set of 2022.

At Award session of the program, Ibadan Born International Scholar, Dr Moshood Ismail Abioye bagged ‘Meritorious Award’ as the “Man of The Year”. The Director of Studies and Admission of the Institution, Dr Moshood Ismail Abioye was honoured in recognition of his charismatic mode of leadership styles, skills, and sacrifices.

Eminent personalities like Hon. Adeyemo Abass (Adebass), former Councillor from Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo-State bagged Msc, Hon. Abogun, former Councilor from Ijanikin in Lagos State , and Hon. Ambali Waheed Abiodun from Oyo-State bagged Honorary Doctorate.

Royal Father of The Day, His Royal Majesty, Alh Musiliudeen Ademola Olalere Asaju1, Ajoriwin of Irawo, and Pastor Taiwo Peter Adedokun also bagged Honorary Doctorate.
Hon. MKO Arowolo Mathew, Councillor representing Owode/Ibeshe Ward 4 was also honoured.

The Lecture, Impact of Leadership in Africa Development: An Outlook of The Past, Present, and The Future, delivered by Pastor (Dr) Dipo Abadariki goes thus,“Africa, a continent of over 11 million squaremiles and about 1.4 billion people, the origin of mankind and civilization as we know it, has suffered stagnation in development and is arguably the most underdeveloped continent in the world.
Several years ago, Africa’s population stagnated mainly because it existed in a dangerous terrain fraught with many killers of men – Tse Tse flies, Mosquitoes, and other dangerous pathogens. The activities of these factors which also include wild animals and of course our fellow mankind greatly reduced our population for a long period.
This is one of the strategic bottlenecks that faced the black race. A small population in avast and rich continent negatively affected the process of state formation, innovation, and development of the African people and our ability to resist colonization. Africa is steadily gaining ground again due to modern technology that has weaponized us to fight these threats to life. We now have better medical care and technology to combat these challenges. I remember the time malaria was known as a terrible disease that caused millions of lives. Today we no longer see it as a major killer disease due to improved healthcare and medical advancements.
One major factor that we can see from history and is even prevalent today was management. Our lack of ability to manage our resources, harness our strength, and leverage our opportunities exposed us to the colonizers who exploited our weakness to drain our resources and enslave us.
Amazingly, we are still at that threshold where we mismanage ourselves and are still being exploited by enemies of our race both internal and external. Consider Democratic Republic of Congo, a nation so rich in mineral resources with huge deposits of gold and other precious stones, yet so impoverished. The rich resources of the nation is furnishing other nations at the expense of its citizenry.
One of the major component in production of mobile phones, tantalum which is very useful in production of circuits, capacitors and resistors is found in Democratic Republic of Congo in large quantities. It is a wonder why DRC remains among the poorest nations in the world.
The oil in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria has caused so much problems for the indigenes in the region while a few are been enriched from the proceeds there. The spillage has left many in abject poverty, disease and death.
This same crude oil contributes about 9% of the GDP and about N11 Trillion in revenue to Nigeria.
The buck stops at the tables of our leaders. If we can manage our rich resources, we would be able to steer this continent and the black race to such glory that would lead the world out of its present throes. Africa is capable of much more. Our potential is undeniable. We are breaking ground in science and technology, sports, business, and music. But we are still suffering from an existential leadership crises.
We have a young Democracy. Every day, millions of Africans are seeking migration to greener pastures in the Western world, yet our nations are far richer and more endowed than these countries. This exodus out of our continent is a repeat of past events just like in the days of slavery and colonisation.
One key lesson that we are refusing to learn since slavery is that the greatest wealth of Africa is not the mineral resources but the human capital that has evolved and can thrive in the most difficult terrain ever. That resilience, strength, focus on purpose, and rich culture is the greatest strength of our race. Let’s consider the United Kingdom. A nation with little or no resources but blessed with
great leadership over several generations and had remained so prosperous and ahead of her peers.
We are losing out so much because we have refused to see the big picture. John Maxwell said, “He that is a slave to the immediate will never experience the ultimate.” A social hypothesis suggests that every
nation deserves its leadership. The day it ceases to deserve its leaders, they would change those leaders. The leadership of every nation is a reflection of the net status of that nation. The panacea to the conundrum of bad leadership is hinged solely on re-educating and re-programmingthe grassroots. We must reform ourselves tobe reformed. The change, as they say, starts with you and me.
We are beginning to see this revolution in Africa. Nations like Zambia, Kenya, and Egypt are revolutionizing their leadership and it all began with the citizenry insisting that the power belongs to them. The absolute truth is that power has always belonged to the people. Democracy didn’t invent it, it was the absolute and obvious truth. There is no King without his domain and the people. It’s the people that make a King, their King.

The African people are rising to their birthright and their responsibilities. They are now refusing to be deserving of such bad leadership. There is a price to
pay for such revolution but far little compared to the depravity and decadence that would afflict our land, if we do nothing.
Even God could only bow to the people’s desires when they demanded a King rather than be
ruled by a theocratic proxy. In that election, God lost to the people. This is the power of a united front. Like God said when they were building the tower of babel,“Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.
The history of governance in Africa has been that of military and autocratic rule. Many African nations are still suffering from the same despotic rule. Looking at some nations like Uganda, Cameroon Gambia, and Mali, currently experiencing despotic rule where you will have one person ruling for decades, oppressing the people and mismanaging the commonwealth of the nation.
A good look at Nigeria as a case study brings much to our attention on the negating effects of bad leadership on the prosperity of Africa. Nigeria with its vast lands and immense resources is presumably the giant of Africa yet suffering such sluggish development with a much flagrant display of corruption that has left about 60% of its population in absolute poverty and many more losing their lives. With about 63 years of Independence and about 23 years of stable democracy, her choice of leaders has degraded over time, the impact of which is evident in the consistent decline of the economy.
❖ Greed: We are yet to experience selfless leadership in Africa. Our nations have been plagued with greedy politicians who keep plundering their national resources for their own personal gratification. Nigeria is still getting annual returns from the theft of one man.
❖ Retention of Power: Democracy in Africa has suffered hugely due to selfish ambition of power by African Presidents. Many supposed democracy in Africa is an autocratic system that is completely variant to the inherent definition of Democracy.
❖ No accountability for the leadership: Democracy creates a system that allows for balance of power among the executives, legislators and judiciary. However, many African leaders have compromised this balance system to control the helm of government without any form of balance or checks.

❖ The key to resolving the leadership crisis we face on the continent lies in the lessons from Gen 11:6: Get a united front that insists on good leadership and selection of good leaders. This is the revolution rampaging Africa. It is funded by proper education, sensitization, and discussions such as we have today.
❖ I strongly agree with the recommendation of Kwame Nkrumah in his book, Africa must unite.He insists on a United African nation just like we have the United States of America. One President and one currency. This notion was strongly supported and re-echoed by Muammar Gadaffi who not only suggested it, began making solid plans for it’s implementation before his assasination by American forces. We have so much similarities and common grounds. You will see several tribes in different areas of Africa. There are tribes in Kenya and Uganda that speak Igbo or Yoruba languages. We must revisit the Kwame Nkruma’s dream of a united Africa to redeem the continent.
You must be the change you seek for your country. If I was to leave N1 million naira in a box here carelessly, would you steal it or would you return it? If you would steal it then you are part of the problems we just discussed, but if you would return it, then you are the future that we seek. The existential problems of leadership in Africa can only be combated from the grassroots. We must increase and maximize every opportunity to speak to you especially the young ones like you, graduating from school and prime to invade the world with your ideas and energy.
•You must refuse to be bamboozled by the corrupt political elites that would seek to entice you and enlist you into their evil hegemony. They would recruit young men to fight their evil fights while the children go to school at the expensive schools in the West. You must stand strong and say no to selling your birthright.
•Many of you here are Nigerians and are eligible to participate in the coming elections. This is an opportunity to execute today’s speech and lessons, ensure you vote, and ensure your vote is for competence and character not because of tribe and religious affiliations. You must vote wisely and recruit others to do the same. It’s our collective goal to redeem this nation.
It is my strong recommendation today and a charge that you must increase participation in politics. If we must sanitize the polity, and the political process, we must ensure more sane people are participating in politics. Politics today in Africa is insane because it is mostly mad people that are involved. We urgently need more decent, competent people with character getting involved in politics.

It is my goal to impart to you the philosophy and thought process I am trying to communicate that would build in you that leadership trait that you seek in your leaders. I aim to raise more leaders that would significantly transform the polity and the nation at large. Do not let anyone convince you that the situation is beyond your control or that you are powerless to make a difference. However, we would not progress if we keep looking at the past and blaming the colonists. We will not make any progress on the protocol of blame and accusation. You cannot advance to the future while looking in your rear-view mirror. We must learn the lessons of the past, take control of the present and create the future that we seek.
I salute every student graduating today. I am certain that you have been adequately prepped for the life that is to come. Whether you navigate your way successfully in the maze of life would be dependent on how deeply you learned the lessons of today. You are blessed with the opportunity to make your mark on existence. I must say that I’m rooting for you to make the right decisions, take the right steps and fulfill your destiny. Once again, congratulations. Thank you.