
Eid-L-Fitri : Oyo State Muslim Community Greets Muslims, Prays for Oyo State, Nigeria

Alhaji Ishaq Kunle Sanni

Muslim Community of Oyo State has greeted all Muslim faithful in the state over the observance o this year Eid-L-Fitr celebration and also prayed for Oyo-State and Nigeria at large. The is contained in a news release jointly signed by the chairman and secretary-general of the association, Alhaji Ishaq Kunle Sanni and Alhaji Murisiku Abidemi Siyanbade and made available to press in Ibadan.

Alhaji Murisiku Abidemi Siyanbade



Assallam ‘alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

We thank Almighty Allah for His Mercy that has enabled us complete this year’s Ramadan fast, in spite of the scourge and fear of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, ravaging the entire universe.

We pray that as we have fervently sought the face of Allah during Ramadan, May He forgive our shortcomings, accept all our supplications, bring this fear that has enveloped the whole surface of the earth to an end and further help us in achieving unity of His Ummah, Aamin

We urge all Muslims to continue to abide by all the rules of hygiene as enunciated by the health authorities and all other rules as governments at all levels may issue from time to time

Let us continue to imbibe the lessons of Ramadan, which include sacrificing our pleasures, perseverance and caring for the welfare of our neighbours. May Allah (swt) accept all our acts as Ibadah

We extend our felicitations to the Governor of Oyo State, His Excellency, Engr Abiodun Oluseyi Makinde ; the Deputy Governor, His Excellency Engr Abdur – Rauf Remi Olaniyan; our leaders – The League of Imams and Alfas of Oyo State; all Muslim Title Holders; leaderships of sll Muslim organisations and the entire Muslim Ummah in the State

We pray Almighty Allah spare us to witness more celebrations on the surface of the earth and ultimately, make Jannah our abode in the hereafter, Aamin

Taqabbalallahu Mina wa Minkum

‘Id Mubarak

Alhaji Ishaq Kunle Sanni

Alhaji Murisiku Abidemi Siyanbade
Secretary-General. “

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