Elegy for Bola Ige | By By Akeem Adebiyi

Elegy for Bola Ige | By By Akeem Adebiyi
Just like a lightening which precedes thunderstorm,
The news filtered out into the space and polluted the whole environment, including the political landscape,
One of the heroes of our nascent democracy had fallen,
Felled by the assassins’ bullets,
Bola Ige,the Nigeria’s Chief Law officer,
A foremost advocate of Constitutional democracy ,
An uncompromising welfarist and a core progressive,
An intransigent human rights activists and a pathfinder,
Yeah,it was the handiwork of the enemies within,
In conspiracy with their counterparts outside,
The world smelled foul play,
Yes,there was a trial without justice,
No light at the end of tunnel,
But,who killed Bola Ige,
The million questions remains unanswered,
For over two decades,
He was irreplaceable in the scheme of things,
Things had fallen apart in the house of progressives,
The centre could not hold same together again,
A repository of knowledge has gone far into the silent land,
He could no longer be held by the bare hands,
He had crossed the dark rivers,
Being always remembered for his oratory prowess,
His political sagacity and patriotic ideas,
History has accorded him a rightful position both on earth and in heaven,
His killers and their sponsors shall be scornfully remembered at odd times of political history,
Adieu, the Cicero of the universe,
Rest on till eternity…
By Akeem Adebiyi.

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