End SARS: Akande Sadipe Condemns Military Offensive on Protesters

End SARS: Akande Sadipe Condemns Military Offensive on Protesters .
The Chairperson, House of Representatives committee on diaspora affairs and lawmaker from Oluyole Federal Constituency, Hon. Tolu Akande Sadipe has condemned military offensive on the protesters partaking in the ongoing EndSAR struggles in Nigeria .
” I weep for my beloved country, Nigeria
This is the Darkest Moment in our Nation.
The Current Action is Unacceptable.
The Nigerian ARMY has turned on the people they are meant to Protect. They have fired live bullets at citizens holding the Nigerian Flag, singing the National Anthem. This is an Abomination”, Sadipe lamented .

” I as a member of the House of Representatives,I cannot keep quiet in the midst of this abominable action. I was duly elected to be the voice of my people and my people are weeping “.

” We need to be honest with one another on this matter. We need to face the truth on ground. The youths were out there because they are tired and fed up of victimization, daily oppression, injustice, unemployment, untapped talents, lack of opportunity, poor healthcare, poor education and lack of infrastructure and power across the Nation. The Youths are protesting for a better future for themselves and their children. The #EndSARS PROTEST stands for the systematic ROT in our Nation”, Akande Sadipe maintained .
” This was about the realities on ground. This was about the ROT since independence. This was about genuine service to the people who elected us to represent them. This was not about the President, this was not about the current administration, this not about North and South, this was not about Religion. This was not about party affiliation. This was about a generation trying to end the systematic ROT that pervades our society “.
” The bottom line, it is time to truly commit to a Nigeria where there is true progress for all, a Nigeria that value its citizens, a Nigeria where good prevails over evil. Rather than hearken to the truth from our Youth instead, Yesterday the ARMY turned upon itself “.
” What we needed to do was implement timely genuine solutions that will ensure that our “Nigeria” emerges to take her place of pride, and the Youths would have gone home “.
” I call On The Presidency, Legislators, The Judiciary, State Governors, Ministers, The Management Of Banks, Civil Servants, Religious Leaders, University Professors, Public Transport Drivers, Manufacturers, Pharmacists, Importers Of Pharmacology, Nigerian Army, The Nigerian Police, The Nigerian Navy. Mothers, Fathers, Teachers, Civil Engineers, Plumbers, Vehicle Mechanics, The Agents Who Traffic Fellow Nigerians, Customs, Immigration, Tenants, Landlords, Lawyers, The Nigerian Prisons Services, Standard Organization Of Nigeria, NAFDAC, Physical Planning Arm of Government, DISCO’s, Mobile Telecoms Companies, Local Government Chairmen, Market Women And Men and so on “.
” In our quiet moments, let each and everyone of us, ask ourselves these questions :
• Are Things Right In “Our Nation”?
• What can I do in my own little space to stop the ROT? . Whether you are from the North or South, whether you are Christian, Muslim or Traditionalist, This is our Nation; it’s not too late for a reorientation, with all hands on deck, together in equity we stand, divided we fall “.
” Lets identify the ills in our society collaborate to fix them. The ideology of #EndSARS in itself is not wrong. Those alluding, that there is a fifth columnist within or external, there is a solution. If there is a fifth columnist or external negative force, pushing for the destruction of Nigeria, if we do the right thing, by genuinely addressing the issues that have led to the distrust between leadership and our youths, by addressing the rot that has pervaded our Society/our Nation. The fifth columnist in our midst or external negative force, would fail. But with this action, what have we said to the Youth and to the world “.
” This is the time to make the wrongs right and its not by bringing out the Army to shoot its own citizens, that we achieve this. We can still put a stop to this inferno. We must realize that no position is permanent and it is the country we make that we shall all live in. This is unacceptable. My sympathy goes to all the families of our fallen Youth Patriots, may their death and your loss not be in vain”, Tolu Akande Sadipe reiterated.