Epitaph: Requiem for A Dear Friend, Barr Mathilda Adeola Adepoju-Omiye !! By Otunba Eric Ayoola

Epitaph: Requiem for A Dear Friend, Barr Mathilda Adeola Adepoju-Omiye !! By Otunba Eric Ayoola.
“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? “
Adeola, my dear friend, a soul mate, my co-conspirator in doing good by our association, Afeniere Renewal Group (ARG) UK, a comrade in Progressive politics and a mutual bouncing board of ideas and strategies.

A charitable and kind soul, generous to a fault and always willing and ready to go the extra mile for a loved one and indeed for complete strangers when she believes it is the right thing to do.

Staunchly loyal and contumaciously dependable, a dogged fighter for good and an unabashed and staunch Ibadan daughter of substance.
Proud Omoluabi Yoruba, a worthy partner to have in one’s corner come rain or shine . She will have my back in so many ways and on so many fronts.
Adeola you have gone to rest, away from this tempestuous and tumultuous world.
You have exchanged the frantic and frenetic pace for heavenly peace and everlasting tranquility.
You are cradled in the bosom of our Lord and have harkened to the call of the Almighty so precipitously as to leave us all stunned and short of breath as to the sheer suddenness and unexpected nature of it all.
I have deep sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. Romans 9:2
I will miss you, and indescribably so, likewise all your comrades at Afenifere Renewal Group UK and across the globe.
Your immutable commitment, your vim, zeal and passion both as ‘ARGUK’ PRO and in your many charitable ventures with the organisation that you founded – Ibadan Mesi Ogo- is legendary and a source of motivation and inspiration for us all.
You have left big shoes to fill without a shadow of a doubt.
You fought a good fight and bequeathed an indelible and incredible legacy.
The saying that it is not how long one lives but how well is an apt and appropriate definition of your short but but sweet sojourn on Earth.
We take solace in the unshakable and firm belief that God knows best and I personally give thanks to the Almighty that I got to know you as a close friend and comrade in the past 10 years or so. And I pray that the good work that you did and the positive marks that you made in all the organisations that you belonged to in your life time continue and thrive even more in honour of your memory.
My thoughts are with Samuel, your pleasant and mild mannered son, the apple of your eyes and who will carry your shining torch going forward and brilliantly too.
My commiserations to your dad- Sir Matthew Adepoju and to your sisters as well. I pray that God in his infinite mercy will grant them and the entire family solace and the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss. Amen
I share the following words with them and all of us grieving for dear Adeola…. They are not my words, but so appropriate in its message….
‘_Don’t cry for me. I will be okay.
Heaven is my home now, and this is where I’ll stay.
Don’t cry for me. I’m where I belong.
I want you to be happy and try to stay strong.
Don’t cry for me. It was just my time,
but I will see you someday on the other side.
Don’t cry for me. I am not alone.
The angels are with me to welcome me home.
Don’t cry for me, for I have no fear.
All my pain is gone, and Jesus took my tears.
Don’t cry for me. This is not the end.
I’ll be waiting here for you when we meet again._ ‘.
‘Ti o ba d’orun, ma je’kolo; oun ti won ba nje nibe ni k’oba won je (when you get to heaven, do not eat anything untoward; whatever they eat there you should partake with them)’.
Adieu Adeola.
I wish you a peaceful journey.
Your dear friend,
Otunba Eric Ayoola.