
Ex- Oyo ALGON Chair, Prince Aleshinloye Mourns Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala Describes Him “As Selfless, Vibrant Politician”

Late Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala.

Ex- Oyo ALGON Chair, Prince Aleshinloye Mourns Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala Describes Him “As Selfless, Vibrant Politician”.

The Immediate past ALGON Chairman, in Oyo State, Prince Ayodeji Abass-Aleshinloye, MDII, has commiserated with Akala’s family, Ogbomosho people and Oyo State government over the passage of the former Governor of Oyo State, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala.

In a statement released to the journalists, Prince Aleshinloye maintained that the death of the former governor was painful and sad.
The ex ALGON leader described late Otunba Akala as an illustrious son of Oyo State who distinguished himself creditably in his career as a brave and top police chief.

Aleshinloye acknowledged Otunba Akala’s selfless service and immeasurable contributions to the nation’s building, especially, his legacies in Oyo State where he served meritoriously as a governor.

He further stated that the state would sorely miss Otunba Alao-Akala whom he described as a selfless and vibrant politician who brought Ogbomosho in particular and Oyo state in general to the high pedestal of development.

“As we mourn his passage, may almighty God give his family, friends, constituents and associates fortitude to bear the loss,”

Aleshinloye prayed that may God grant the bereaved fortitude to bear the irreparable loss and repose late Gov. Akala’s soul and n paradise.

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