“Focus More on Yourself, Not Your Competitors And See How You Can Fly” !! By Kazeem Yekinni

“Focus More on Yourself, Not Your Competitors And See How You Can Fly” !! By Kazeem Yekinni.
Life is literally a fight for territory, whether in relationship, business, politics and even in within families.
I remember a friend shared his experience in a dancing competition, decades ago.

He shared the dominating news of how he was told his competitors were superb, excellent and of high quality. “I was so intimidated to the extent that I almost quit”, He said.

“But guess what? I found motivation to even do better than my perceived ability. I worked more on my skills and techniques and the rest was history.” He concluded.
I’ve watched great athletes run, especially during sprints. Their eyes are always on the mark.
They keep their heads straight and fix their gaze on the finish line. But the moment they are distracted by taking their attention away from the mark and start looking around at their competitors, they lose momentum and start to slow down and eventually lose the race.
Let’s lay it bare here.
Your greatest competitor is not out there but inside of you.
If you can’t beat that internal competitor, you’re wasting your time competing with those external competitors.
Your greatest competitor are:
Your self-doubt
Your bad habits
Your procrastination
Your fear of the unknown
Your distractions
Your lack of discipline
Your unhealthy eating habit
Your failure to acquire knowledge.
Your laziness
Your excuses
If you can beat the following, you can beat anybody.
So, focus on beating your internal competition and every external competitor will bow to you on their own accord.
By Kazeem Yekinni, a Lagos based real estate broker and estate developer. I assist investors to build wealth through real estate investment.