Gov. Makinde and His Nonchalant Attitudes towards Fight Against COVID-19! Dewumi Quadri

Despite the fact that Oyo State Covid-19 cases are continually increasing on daily basis, the present administration in Oyo State is seen unprepared and enfeebled , and unable to be in control of the pandemic response.
It is quiet understandable that the Governor is intimidated by the fading away of goodwill through which he rose to power. This is often at display in many matters that required decisive actions of the state while several measures are being considered by other states and countries of the world to achieve the ultimate goal of reducing the overwhelming increase of Covid-19 cases but Oyo State government shirked her responsibilities for common idea (using populist styles of governance,”Ijoba Alagbe Mora).
Oyo state in a critique, a large percentage of the incidences are cluster cases, the government needs to go back to the drawing board, avoid intimidation of future polls to call relevant agencies and come up with adequate measures that will impede its further growth.

Using of nose masks without appropriate social distancing is a joke, I suggest that the government should:

- closedown companies with workforce higher than 10 . It will be very easier for companies to monitor and manage 10 people than to manage 100 people.
- Oyo State Government should set up a task-force with a definite mandate to enforce compliance. Companies or individuals that are not following the laid down guidelines should be punished or fined. I believe that this may add to the coffer of the State to help build the IGR .
- Traders who are selling essential materials such as food stuffs, pharmaceutical companies or stores, should be allowed to open while others non-essential services’ providers stay at home.
- Enforcement of interstate borders restriction be done out of mere political braggadocio
- It is observed that many people have been led to ignorance by the assertion of Governor Seyi Makinde on his recent pronouncement of local concoction as antidote to Covid-19. Government should return to the public through available media to disabuse the minds of the people against self medication and encourage that the adequate information be supplied by the medical professionals on realness of this virus and ways to prevent its spread.
6: The State should set up a quick response center for information gathering.
I believe that Oyo State is not doing enough and there is still chance for Governor Seyi Makinde to make things right by moving governance away from self-pity and fear of criticism. Government need to act fast and decisively now.
God bless Oyo State.
Dewumi Quadri ,
Ibadan , Oyo-State, Nigeria .