Healthy Snacking !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Healthy Snacking !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade.
Healthy Snacking!
Snack is an item of food eaten between meals.
The major meals of the day are breakfast or brunch, lunch and dinner or supper.

These are based on the time of the day during which they are eaten. Snacking then is the way we take those minor food items in between the listed major meals.

Some people are conscious of the things that make up their major food items; they know that fruits, vegetables and fresh foods consisting of the classes of food in balanced proportions are more nourishing to the body; but they do not keep to heart what makes up their snack. An unknown author stated that, cake and pie may taste like heaven, but you will regret them when you turn 37! This shows that a conscious effort needs to be put in place in order to maintain a complete healthy lifestyle from the major food items, the snack and other daily dietary consumption.
A healthy snack is one that is taken with moderacy; no chemicals, calories, high fat and added sugar. They are meant to contain high fiber; balanced nutritional value of protein, mineral, carbohydrates and vitamins; water, whole grain and low energy density.
Examples of healthy snack include but are not limited to home-made plain popcorn, nuts (groundnut, walnut, cashew nut, nut bars, peanut), crackers, lower carb fruits, hardboiled eggs, oats, peas, yoghurt, dark chocolate, cottage cheese, dates and home-made vegetable chips.
When you snack properly, you are more likely to make better food choices throughout the day, because you’re not starving or dealing with low blood sugar that makes you crave for sugar. It will also stabilize your blood sugar and keep your metabolism functioning.
A lot of people find it difficult to adjust their cravings for junks. These cravings may be caused by stress, lack of sleep and other psychological factors. You will be surprised to see the list of the most unhealthy snack on earth and their hazardous effects. We must be intentional about working on our cravings and live a healthy life.