Is Respect Overrated? !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Dear esteemed reader, how do you do today? It is a great pleasure to reach out to you again on another gist level. On today’s gist, we shall be rubbing minds on the issue of respect. All I need you do is to send your thoughts to me in the comments section or to my mailbox, as it will seem convenient for you.
When a thing is said to be overrated, it means that we pay much more attention to, or emphasize on, it than necessary. So, my question to you is, is respect overrated? Respect is an integral part of the African culture and no matter how much civilization infiltrates our culture and we rejoice in European acculturation, respect will still be an honourable evidence of our humanity.
Though the most emphasized expression of respect in the African culture is in the areas of kneeling, prostrating, head-bowing, greetings and title-calling or the use of madam and sir, it is not my major concern.
What I mean by respect is a sincere show of reverence, gratitude, interaction and honour which emanates from an inner understanding of dignity, humanity, of being responsible and of integrity. Many nations do not follow the African pattern of kneeling, prostrating, head-bowing and title-calling. Regardless of age, tribe, class and educational qualifications, citizens of most of the Western countries address one another by their first name. This is not an archaic or demeaning disposition, for it has always been their way of life.
Interestingly, at such, they understand and abide by boundaries in their relationships with people; a vast majority of them are law abiding; they appreciate one another’s individuality and opinions without prejudice; they are honest and straightforward; they mind their businesses; they do not infringe on other people’s privacy and rights nor do they ruin others through gossips, backstabbing, backbiting, slander or intimidation. That is RESPECT.
Though racism is a major aspect of the western world that needs to be worked on in terms of respect. They still seem preferred to me than any other individual who capitalizes on title-calling and head-bowing but still abuses, pretends, ridicules, insults, mocks, betrays, curses, ignore boundaries; not law abiding, not honest; subjective and infringes on the benefits and privacy of others; gossips, backstabs, backbites, slanders and intimidates. This is NOT respect.
No matter where you go or what you do, remember that respect is reciprocal and whether people deserve to be respected or not, thrive to respect everyone that comes your way as your contribution to humanity. You are not doing anyone a favour when you respect them rather you are doing yourself some good which comes with other juicy benefits. Never forget the place of self respect; carry yourself with some dignity and respectfully exit toxic and abusive relationships. You deserve something better.