Labelling !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Labelling !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade.
Labelling is one of the ways we express our opinions about ourselves or/and others. Labels can either be positive or negative. They are adjectives or nouns that reflect how we feel and what we think of ourselves or/and others. In the situation where we label a person, we tend to relate with the person based on the label we have given to such in our hearts or that other people have given to such a person. Labels have the ability to influence other behaviours related to its line of features. Labels are more popular among children, teenagers and youths. Parents and guardians should always frown at whoever tries to label or whatever label is being given to their wards.

We are all guilty of the act of labelling at one point of our lives or the other. Truth be told, at the moment when those labels are given, they may be the true reflection of the life and behaviour of the person that is being labelled but there are better ways to describe anyone by using simile or euphemism instead of direct comparison (simile). For instance, he is a dog is a direct label. The person will keep on behaving like a dog and may even start relating with others like a dog. This is because labelling transcends the physical; it has the ability to start affecting the psychology, mental health and dispositions of the labelled person.

In most cases, whatever it was that we felt, saw or heard of that made us come up with a label on someone or even ourselves may be a façade, mask or something temporal that was influenced by certain internal or external factors. Our submission will then change when we put up a contrary behaviour due to a change in the trend of certain experiences or if we find ourselves in a different environment. Some people will label themselves lenient, wait to see them in another scenario, they will realize that they are not that lenient. We can label someone a drunk, wait to see the person in a more loving and peaceful atmosphere, then you will understand that their previous situation was what conditioned them to exhibit the characteristics that made us gift them demeaning labels.
Always try to give people benefits of doubt through whatever characteristics they exhibit. Avoid labelling at all costs. Do not relate with anyone based on any existing label. Though somewhat difficult, we can be cautious and intentional about it.