Made Through Trials !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Made Through Trials !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade.
Raw materials can either be pure or impure.
The pure raw materials do not change their properties in terms of their mass or weight, even after going through the process of conversion to a finished products.

Impure raw materials on the other hand can experience a change in their characteristics or features after going through the process of conversion to a finished product.

Silver becomes finer after going through the purification process in the fining cup. Gold goes through a lot to get its dross off in the hot coal furnace. Pure stones, quality woods like timber, rocks and metals all go through serious beating, sculpting, washing and shaping before they can become beautiful to behold or use. Clay, so dirty and disgusting becomes a vessel unto honor after going through series of molding inconveniences in the hands of the potter.
Trials are humans’ pruning, purification and transformation processes. They come in different shades, at different times and through various channels. Their effects are also differing and unpredictable. They are not meant to be barriers or breakers; they may cause a few bruises but they will eventually build you and make you bask in beauty, boldness and blessedness.
The question then is, will you allow trials to break you and thereby present yourself to the world as an impure raw material or you will go through the process with the mind to come out strong and finer like the pure raw materials?
Our worth comes out in a more definite way after we have been made through trials.