MEMOIR: The Experience That Got Me Missing !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

From the awake call of my feature story, I have made some things clear about humanity and our inter-personal relationships; mostly from my innate understanding, my personal experience, and people’s experiences; and from books and fictitious works of art. I have had reasons to share a few experiences and make certain illustrations to buttress whatever gist I bring to the table – fresh gist that has no pretence, make up story or deception because I cannot possibly act contrary to what I am an advocate of.
Then, since about a month, which was the last time that I made a gist write-up I have had a life changing experience that got me missing. I was physically present but seriously missing religiously, intellectually, psychologically, academically and health wise. Unapologetically, I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour; and I believe in the gathering of the brethren but what can be done when an experience will seldom hold me back from attending such gathering of the brethren?
If you say that I love books, I will never disagree because we die the instance we stop reading. The world is fast running ahead, we must also get along with it intellectually and be relevant in our contemporary design. But how can I get along intellectually when I am missing? There seemed to be no privilege to read in the sphere where I was kept; it was as though the world stood still. My books were on my PC, in my phone and hardcopies were littered everywhere but I was distantly missing and could not lay hold on them.
One of the major goals I had penned down, entering 2022 was to acquire two new degrees or certificates. However, I entered 2022 as an out-patient which made me miss the opportunity of a classroom course. So, I opted for an online course at the word GO. After taking the first module of the course up to 50%, I went missing academically. I struggled to find my way in the sphere where I was kept, I could see the light at a distant end of the tunnel but there was no strength in me to escape. I was already overwhelmed with the experiences of the sphere where I was kept.
It was in that sphere where I was kept that I realized that my health was failing. I looked physically agile but deep within my body, my members were all complaining. My eyes started aching, at some point, it got swollen and even decide to shut down for a day; my joints kept musing inaudibly, my head would keep spinning and the peppery sensation it oozed out was not quantifiable; the throbbing of my heart is enough to dig a well. My skin, oh poor one! It was becoming a shadow of itself. My body became a house of war and commotion.
From the sphere where I was kept, I got the understanding that it is called a means of survival. We all need to survive, we need money to spend, we have needs and most importantly should be able to meet certain demands and be financially relevant. But if a means of survival keeps one away from other major aspects of life, is that still a survival mechanism? Should we remain missing in a sphere that robs us of other benefits and impacts?
We usually do not have the courage to walk away from a job because of the fear of the unknown, how we will survive financially and what people will say of us – won’t we be counted lazy or who is even willing to put food on our table? However, it is a decision left to you to make but I’m glad to be back. I found my way out of the sphere where I was kept and fought to regain the other aspects of my life that determine my humanity and for which I live for posterity. If giving you original gist is what will keep me psychologically, intellectually, academically and religiously present and healthy, then I’m in.