My Proper Education is How I Define it not How Others Define it !! By Morufu Smith

My Proper Education is How I Define it not How Others Define it !! By Morufu Smith .
My Proper Education is How I Define it not How Others Define it!
Nigeria is blessed with good people. There are times when we throw partisanship and divergence of opinions away to enable solidarity, if temporary, with one another. I experienced such solidarity last night. My post about not properly educated and being depressed generated varieties of reactions; from encouragement to rebuke. What however rings through the divergent reactions is the sincerity of concerns.

The depression I felt wasn’t about hopelessness. The depression I felt was about bemoaning one’s inability to operate to the level of one’s God-given abilities, which as suspected, was brought about by inadequacy of education. Some of my sympathisers scolded me for not being thankful to God for the little I know, that I was being ungrateful by focusing more on my betters than those they think I am better than. I say to those well-meaning sympathisers, performing below God-given abilities isn’t a good way to be grateful to God; using God-given abilities to full potentials is the real deal of gratefulness to God since those who will benefit from the performance are countless.

As a child, living within the shanty, slummy environment that has remained my pride, I didn’t set a standard of mediocrity. I realised early in life that I had a literary turn of mind and I kept working at self-developing my mind since circumstances that were both inflicted and self-inflicting (innocently) threatened my pursuit of formal education.
Being overcome by depression is a sign of human frailty. I am not immune from the weakness of human frailty, especially when the feeling that I don’t know as much as I should know sneaks into my mind. One can’t afford not to fall into episodes of reminiscences about the past every now and then. It’s all in a bid to entrench the mindset that one can get better and improve and not to fall into the danger of complacency.
I send hefty appreciations to those who called me, those who sent encouraging messages, those who rebuked me and those who thought of my post as a symptom of unstable mind of a writer.
I am in fine fettle!