NANS : President, Daniels Akpan Addresses Congress, Gives Scorecard , Plans National Convention

NANS : President, Daniels Akpan Addresses Congress, Gives Scorecard , Plans National Convention .
Exactly this date in 2018, providence placed on my shoulders the responsibility of leading our noble Union, the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS).

From the date of inauguration in September, 2018, I have steadfastly, as I campaigned, committed to my campaign manifestoes which were anchored on (3Rs) *Repositioning. *Reformation. *Restructuring.

Ever since my emergence as the Global President, it is my considered view that my message which resonated with the senators and vast majority of the stakeholders must not be deodorised with inaction, immobility and lack of will to fight for Nigerian students wherever and whenever, hence the overwhelming support that led to my victory would be a wasted effort.
The agitation for generational shift which was firmly achieved must be justified in the reclamation of our ideological leaning as a mass based organization with local support and global affirmation.
Today, I have clearly demonstrated that the overall objective of the outgoing administration is to leave NANS better than we met it.
Upon inauguration, the daunting task was to ensure the unity of the organization which some elements had wanted to balkanize as usual. The fierce disposition of the leadership led to the reining in of the perpetrators, hence the 3Rs agenda began and the result is evident in the numerous achievements and struggles so far accomplished.
Successfully, my administration has embarked on the following struggles with verifiable results amongst several others:
- We placed a ban on indiscriminate issuance of NANS awards which has been in force since inception of this administration.
- Reversal of school fee increment at University of Maiduguri.
- Agitation for reversal of school fee increment across Tertiary institutions in Ondo State.
- Release of the imprisoned Madonna 6 and the former Vice President National Affairs who was arrested in Enugu and transported to Abuja for detention.
- Reinstatement of expelled student union leaders in 8 Tertiary institutions across the four zones of NANS.
- Led the struggle for payment of bursaries and scholarships for students in Akwa-Ibom state in particular and others.
- Securing justice for the families of the murdered FUOYE students who protested for restoration of electricity supply on campus and residential communities.
- Ensuring the fixing of the collapsed bridge which took the lives of students at ATBU, Bauchi.
- Securing justice for the family of the murdered undergraduate at the University of Jos by some military men.
- Led aggressive campaign against rape and demand for Justice for female undergraduates who were raped and murdered in Benin and Ibadan.
- Continuous interface with relevant agencies of government in solving myriads of problems confronting Nigerian students home and abroad.
- Regular engagement with security agencies to douse tension in schools and securing release of unjustly detained students.
- We Initiated the anti xenophobic struggle through protests which led to the existing peace between South Africans and other nationals; a lingering crisis that enraged people across the world.
It may interest you all that in sync with our ever responsible student union leaders, many of these achievements wouldn’t have counted if we had collectively sabotaged or compromised during negotiations for freedom and justice for our oppressed constituents.
As you all know, this administration would have transited. But for the global pandemic, there was a halt in activities across board.
The evidence of my assertion is visible in the successful conduct of the Pre-Convention organized by the Senate in March, 2018, at Enugu State. Few days after, the federal government in response to global efforts at containing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic announced measures including lockdown and ban on gatherings amongst others.
The allegation that I and the executives deliberately refused to transit cannot in anyway be truthful. The circumstances delaying the convention is no doubt beyond NANS control. We cannot afford to defy government directives on issues of national importance pertaining to health .
Therefore, we all owe it a duty to ensure that we transit in a most acceptable manner devoid of rancour and balkanization of our dearly beloved union.
I have, in consultation with the Senate President been engaging relevant authorities in seeking approval for hosting a credible convention. The truth of the matter is that no approval has been granted as government continues in its efforts at containing the spread of the global pandemic with reservations for the education sector, evident in the continuous rebuttal by the both ministers of education.
In the light of the foregoing, I am not oblivious of the fact that 2 out of our 4 zonal structures are embroiled in leadership crisis. I have initiated discussions with eminent stakeholders within Zone B and D with a view to reconciling the differences towards ensuring the indivisibility of the zones under one leadership. Committees comprising of unbiased leaders and the aggrieved parties from Zone B and D shall immediately be announced for reconciliation purpose.
In preparation for our national convention, I hereby declare officially, that interested aspirants can embark on the last leg of their campaign. With the geographical spread and large size of NANS, a two month campaign will aid all aspirants.
In the coming days, I shall be hosting all presidential aspirants to a meeting to discuss possible modes of convention in view of existing government ban on large gatherings and also seek their input into the convention planning committee.
Again, to ease the burden of their movements and consultations as they campaign round the campuses, I shall make available to all presidential aspirants, a comprehensive list of current SUG Presidents and their contacts, as well as that of their Dean of Students Affair. This is to forestall the reliance on “Toronto” delegates which in time past have been a clog in the wheel of our unity.
The coming convention shall in no way entertain any use of impersonators as I have instructed the Assistant Secretary General to lias with the institutions for direct contact with the management and SUG Presidents.
Having sought input from presidential aspirants and consulted widely with stakeholders, the CPC shall earnestly commence activities as soon as other presidential aspirants who are yet to make input forward their nominees. This is to ensure fairness and level playing ground for all of the presidential aspirants. Any Presidential aspirant who is yet to forward his/her nominee should contact the Secretary General to fill their vacant slots.
Accordingly, the CPC, which shall be announced soon after this address shall in consultation with the President, announce further arrangements such as venue, date and modalities for the convention.
Comrades and leaders, I have enjoyed your support and the unity which we all laboured to have. No President after my tenure deserves to lead a disorganized NANS. That should be the standard of our existence after 40yrs as a union. I assure you all that we shall successfully transit to a united NANS.
Let me quickly remind us that NANS is 40yrs and Nigeria will be 60yrs, in this year 2020. We have come of age (as the most potent youth voice in Nigeria). I implore all leaders, former leaders, young and old to put behind all differences as NANS begins a new phase.
Our future and that of our younger ones is as paramount as the nation as much it is to our parents. It is my utmost conviction.
The Federal Government should do all within its powers to put in place safety measures for the reopening of all schools to enable pupils/students to write their examination so as to graduate from primary, secondary school and higher institutions.
Sadly, you are all aware of recent deaths occurrences involving some of our revered comrades. In December last year, we lost Comrade Yemi Adeniran and also in June 2020 lost the irresistible ‘Iturity’ Comrade Ayodele Akele (Pioneer Secretary General of NANS) both from the South West.
While we were mourning the death of the mother of the Tijani’s, our two former presidents (Tijani Kabiru and Tijani Usman Shehu), we were dealt with a fatal blow on the sudden demise of Comrade Emeka Zadok Eboh from the SouthEast. As shocking as these losses were, we take solace in the fact that they contributed meaningfully to the development of our dearly beloved union and our nation. We pray their departed souls rest peacefully with the Lord.
These deaths are painful, devastating and horrific.
However, knowing no effort can be enough to bring them back to life, it is the responsibility of all of us and indeed the entire NANS family to see to the well-being of the families left behind by our departed comrades. I thank good spirited former leaders who have shown love to the families and their condolences to the union.
I shall in consultation with the family of Sheriff, government of Abia and Anambra states, friends and the entire comrade community both in Anambra and Abia states ensure that we organize a befitting burial ceremony.
The burial has been confirmed for July 22nd, 2020 for the late Comrade Emeka Zadok Eboh who until his death was the SA on Student Matters to the Executive Governor of Anambra State and also see to the sustainability of the family he so dearly loved but left behind.
I call on all and sundry to pray to God for the protection of our members and leaders.
Finally, let me appeal to leaders, young and old to eschew any act that may truncate the unity of our beloved union. As we begin the transition process, we call everyone on board, your cooperation and support is necessary in making NANS stronger than ever.
I shall continue to give listening ears to all shades of opinion and welcome more of constructive criticisms aimed at strengthening the unity of NANS and our activities and Union.
I boldly state that neither I nor the entire NANS officials have all the solutions to problems confronting Nigerian students hence the willingness to ensure we do things together in the larger interest of the organization.
With a grateful heart, I thank all my Executive Members, Zonal officials, JCC Chairmen, appointees, stakeholders, SUG Presidents, diverse school of thoughts and all those who have assisted this administration in effectively discharging services for the betterment of Nigerian students. I like to specially extend sincere gratitude to my Think-Tank, you all are part of history. Indeed, I owe you all, debts of gratitude for your all time support and understanding.
I beg to end this address with a worthy quote from, Charles Kelleorgen “My interest is in the future for there we will spend the rest of our lives”.
God Bless You All!
God Bless NANS @40!!
God Bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!
Amangla Awetu…Viva Aluta.
Danielson Akpan, GCNS
Global President, NANS “.