NOSTALGIA: Genesis !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Life presented its beautiful glow at the instant of my entry into its sphere. I cried as I entered with uncertain feelings of touch, thirst, excitement and fear of the unknown. Growing up till the primary school level was fun and the future seemed so bright with indescribable promises and easiness. However, the hope soon turned to gloom when the family’s fortune met its waterloo.
Life presented its gloomy side and worse of the expected. My body and its inhabitants shrunk from the glaring change in life’s regime. Our diets and feeding pattern changed; new clothes were no longer forth coming; so I had to joyfully accept the wears that have been used by other people. At some point, the fashion designer started to describe to me how busy she was and the inconvenience of having to adjust used wears.
How about furthering into the secondary school? The Payment of my fees became a tedious task in the early part of my junior secondary school education. I had to skip school at intervals within a term because please bear with me is not an acceptable currency in the school community. I had to bear the shame and pain until someone came to the rescue. The advice to take a break off school work until fees are paid affected my assimilation skill. I used to be very instant in learning just by listening to the explanations of my teachers but after my fees were settled and I returned to the classroom, I had to struggle to understand the topics that I copied from the omission-laden and mistake ready notes of my classmates and to link them up with the newer topics; catching up with learning became difficult.
Life through senior secondary school was a beautiful zigzag but relenting was never an option. I had sweet teachers and interesting classmates. I was a science student and also the health prefect. For extra curriculum activities, I joined the literary and debate club. Favour shone on me and I was granted to study on half scholarship. That put an end to the tendency of being driven out of school because of fees.
(To be continued …).