NOTHINGNESS IS NOT EMPTINESS !! Thursday Gists With IyanulOluwa Ololade

Hello reader! Firstly I need to officially inform you that I may not write to you every week henceforth because I am working on a huge project for my talk show on YouTube (TEMITIRE TALK SHOW) and it is quite time intensive. Notwithstanding I will grab every opportunity I get to ensure that I write you as often as possible. I do hope that you will bear with me.
On today’s gist series, “nothingness is not emptiness”, my major aim is to open you up to your worthiness. You might have come across some familiar lines like; you were nothing when I met you, you are nothing, you have nothing and some other nonsense conclusive boastings, but do you know that only humans judge worthiness by physical possessions? Your nothingness then or now does not correspond to your unworthiness because you were, you are and you will never be empty.
John Locke stated that at birth, a child is a tabula rasa i.e. a clean or empty slate but that is not entirely true because we all have innate abilities which our environmental exposure and learning has only got to fuel and shape as we grow up. Therefore, since you are no longer a child, whatever investment anyone made or is making to make you “something” is only a way of watering a seed to become a fruit yielding plant; and you are that seed.
So, do not judge your worthiness by the countable material things and your financial capacity; rather believe in your abilities and prove to the world that you worth much more than eyes can behold. Your abilities will attract the right broker who will sell you to the world and make something out of your nothingness.
Remain focused, expand your horizon, spread your tentacles, don’t limit yourself; it will be suicidal if you give in to intimidation and self pity. Save all contacts for the rainy day and voice your presence ALWAYS.
Don’t be afraid to try. Don’t be ashamed to fail. Don’t despise the days of little beginning. Kill low self esteem, be focused and know your worth. You are not empty. You are simply a project in progress; and very soon, sooner than you can imagine, your story will complete its cooking phase and a new glory will be birth.
NEVER give up in despair