
OLUYOLE RERUN ELECTION: Kunle Olatunji Hails Oyo Central Senator-elect, Dr Yunus Akintunde over APC’s Victory


Some people are born great with virtues of leadership, some others acquire and train themselves to become excellent Leaders.

Dr. Yunus Akintunde must have been exceptional with the grace to have leadership capacity as innate virtues and have developed himself acquiring unequalled training building his capacity development in leadership.

For people who are close to him and have  observed him objectively without bias and prejudices, it won’t be difficult to unequivocally conclude that the man is simply gifted in managing crisis and providing quality leadership when it mattered most.

While serving in different capacities within the period of his several political voyages within the murky waters of  Nigeria national political landscape especially in Oyo State, he started occupying critical positions and with track record of supporting whoever was the emerging leader wherever he was holding forth to ensure success at all times. Not without a few hiccups but no doubt never due to his faults or negligence.

No one could ever hold him responsible for any eventual failure on engagements. In fact you neglect the counsel of Dr Yunus Akintunde to personal perils.

Most often Hadji Yunus as we fondly called him then would be the rallying point coordinating functional roles of arbitration, providing logistics, ensuring normalcy, calming nerves and settling disputes. A peace maker personified with nack for excellent delivery and success in any endeavor or engagement to which he is committed to.

Once Dr Yunus Akintunde’s commitment and acceptance to deliver on any issue is secured, you may go to sleep and worry about something else and be sure of successful implementation and delivery. A loyal and dependable ally if you’re lucky to have his backing and support.

Such was the experience of many of his associates and several of us who worked closely with him during the first tenure of our Late Leader and former Governor of Oyo State, Senator Abiola Ajimobi.

That was where I first had a close relationship with him as he was sharing the same office with Dr Morohukola Thomas, my Egbon, Senior,Teacher and Mentor in my early days learning the ropes in politics

The duo both in their  capacities as Executive Assistants to His Excellency Governor Abiola Ajimobi. Both of them you must admit were fantastic fellows who stabilized the system with some other notable Cabinet members of that administration.

Then, that was vintage Ajimobi Era and governance in Oyo State almost still incomparable with any Cabinet since then, not even the second tenure of Late Governor Abiola Ajimobi can be compared with that administration. Quite exceptional having the likes of Bosun Oladele, Ojo Adebayo now SAN, Kazeem Adedeji. Zaccheus Adelabu, Muyiwa Gbadegesin, Isaac Omodewu, Dr Isiaka Kolawole, Dr Gbade Ojo, Dr Matthew Oyedokun aka “Trust Oyee”, Dr Festus Adedayo, Toye Arulogun, among others holding sways as Commissioners and reliable Special Advisers all as  Cabinet members with very rich and robust contributions towards quality governance of the Pace setter State.

Dr Yunus Akintunde was the Executive Assistant Administration while Dr Morohukola Thomas was in charge of Political sharing the same office which practically became the epicenter of that Administration. Many times Late Governor Abiola Ajimobi himself a highly cerebral and unpredictable workaholic hardly summoned the duo for engagements and discussions in his opulent office. He would rather sunter in several times almost everyday to settle most critical issues of of governance with uncommon ease and effortlessly in his EAs jointly occupied office after he cancelled the office of Chief of Staff and rather would prefer this Executive Assistants arrangement.

You never could really tell which functions exactly falls in the purview of Hadji Yunus as he and Thomas worked assiduously to ensure the success of that administration.

The rest is history after Dr Yunus returned back to the University of Ibadan to complete his PhD in Energy Studies at the Department of Economics and he also had time to face his business interests in Real Estate Development and Oil and Gas.

Cabinet members. Special Advisers, the rest of us Senior Special Assistants and Special Assistants, would all flock at Dr Yunus Akintunde and Dr Thomas shared office seeking their opinions, contributions and advice on various issues of governance and administration. Unknown to many outside the administration that cordial and joint collaboration was the secret of the success of the first tenure of Late Governor Abiola Ajimobi.

Of course there would always be drinks, food from Turaya, Skye Bank, Senior Citizen et al, and without any sign of weariness Dr Yunus Akintunde’s generousity in provisions and giving capacity was uncommon.

Politicians, notable citizens, clerics, traditional title holders from far and wide all over Oyo State would always be on hand all the time in the Executive Assistants office where Dr Yunus Akintunde and Dr Thomas were rallying points with Dr Yunus who was more already at home within the system having served earlier in that cabinet as Commissioner for Works was the quite a force to be reckoned with. Of course both of them were masters of the political game with Dr Thomas too an enigma and powerful notable political “calculus”, “emeritus Commissioner” having also served in different capacities during Alahji Lam Adesina’s administration.

The combination of those two fellows was simply infectious and to the admiration of Governor Ajimobi himself. It was a powerful and result oriented Team assembled by Oga Ajimobi.

When he showed his interest in the contest for Oyo Central Senatorial ticket, it was quite obvious that Dr Yunus Akintunde was the candidate to beat. APC was simply blessed to have paved way for his likes as their candidate in that Senatorial district.

I am not exaggerating, Yunus Akintunde would have won that election with APGA or any other party’s ticket, that was not to undermine the relevance of Party structure, his winning during the last election with a landslide margin was a pointer against his arch rivals, veteran Chief Bisi Ilaka of PDP and very energetic and financially strong brazen and young Faosey of Accord Party could not stop the bridge builder, Yunus Akintunde who backing on divine grace, goodwill and earned respect among the teaming Oyo Central Senatorial electorates. It’s not a journey of recent political integration and calculated strategic positioning.

Without prejudices and appreciation of Senator Teslim candidature which was heavily affected by several negative misconceptions and positioning by the unsuspecting electorates,  I strongly believe that if APC had pitched a Dr Yunus Akintunde as the Gubernatorial candidate during the last election, he would most likely have given PDP a tougher time due to his acceptability and networking strength.

His contributions to the success at the Presidential elections that has now ensured victory for APC’s presidential candidate, now President Elect Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu was unparalleled.

Our associates in our support group SWAGA, South West Agenda for Asiwaju the most prominent and structured Support group in the build up towards the Presidential elections singled him and his associates in Oyo Central out as reliable supporters in the yet to be told story of Oyo State SWAGA’s, unheralded, silent but powerful initiative in the coordination under the leadership of Hon Sunday Adepoju aka Omoyin now the Postmaster General and CEO of NIPOST, another unique personality. That is for another narrative soon.

His immense contributions to the success of the last week re-run election that gave Hon.Tolulope Akande Sadipe victory was the current talk of the town about the confirmation of Dr. Yunus Akintunde’s rare leadership capacity and his genuine commitment to people.

I personally had my worries for several reasons including unending intra party wranglings and feuds preceding the primary election that produced Hon Sadipe’s second term ticket to contest as the Honourable representing Oluyole Federal Constituency and afterwards for which if anyone will care to agree identifying Oluyole as probably the most volatile Federal Constituency in Oyo State and by extension in Nigeria is not an understatement.

Without going into details, I am yet to stop appreciating the grace of God for Hon. Tolu Sadipe who herself acknowledged divine grace and support from the leadership and electorates of Oluyole Federal Constituency towards her victorious emergence.

I later got to learn about numerous visits, interventions of all sorts by Dr Yunus Akintunde in conjunction with Hon Sadipe’s Team to quickly resolve issues within the shortest period to avert the possible overturn of the success we had recorded before the challenge of INEC halting the results of Oluyole House of Representatives election.

Those who understand the dynamics of Oyo State politics especially the power of incumbent, the determination of PDP, on winning re-run elections would appreciate the special Grace of God and efforts put in place to ensure Hon. Tolulope Sadipe’s eventual victory.

I whished Hon. Dapo Lam Adesina was that lucky in his own bid as well which also is a discussion for another day with several lessons to be learned.

Dr Yunus kind is a rare breed, and Hon Tolulope Sadipe a dogged fighter assumably tough Lady, a Margret Thatcher kind who remained focused, determined despite all odds was equally blessed to have God and individuals like Dr Yunus Akintunde on ground as destiny helpers.

I sincerely pray that their tenures will be eventful, beneficial to Oyo State in general, Oyo Central Senatorial District and in particular Oluyole Federal Constituency.

I congratulate both Dr Yunus Abiodun Akintunde our Senator elect for Oyo Central District and Hon.Tolulope Akande – Sadipe, our Federal House of Representatives Member at Oluyole Federal Constituency on their victories at the 2023 general elections.

We are proud of both of  you and excited to  share in your joy of victories.

Long live Nigeria!
Long live Oyo State
Long live Oyo Central Senatorial Distric.

long life Oluyole Federal Constituency.

Kunle Olatunji
A former Special Assistant to Late Governor Abiola Ajimobi writes from Oluyole LG, Ibadan Oyo State.

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