
Oyo APC Repositioning Agenda Is Deliberate, Yielding Desired Results – Says Sen Akintunde

In separate engagements and various meetings with stakeholders within the All Progressives Congress (APC), Dr. Yunus Akintunde, the Distinguished Senator representing Oyo Central Senatorial District at the Senate, has assured that the efforts of the leadership towards repositioning the party in Oyo State are deliberately being implemented and will continue to yield desired results.

“No doubt we are not unaware of the prevailing circumstances affecting the fortunes of our party, APC, in Oyo State, despite our fantastic performance at the presidential election, where we emerged victorious, winning the three senatorial seats and the majority of the House of Representatives slots.”

“Those issues will be resolved as the leadership of the party is constantly taking necessary steps to ensure that unity and cooperation beyond individual interests become paramount in our engagements and initiatives.”

“It has become very glaring to everyone within the party, especially among the gladiators, that individual ambition must no longer derail our overall objectives and efforts to regain control of governance in Oyo State.”

“Any attempt by any individual, irrespective of status, to personalise issues for self-aggrandisement will no longer be tolerated and will be met with resistance by the resolution of the leadership of the party to ensure discipline within the party henceforth.”

“The mandate from our national leadership is very clear, and that is to deploy all efforts and resources towards repositioning the APC in Oyo State towards regaining control of governance at all levels in 2027, and I strongly believe that we can achieve that mandate.”

“I can assure you unequivocally that very soon, the various strategic management efforts and synergetic partnership arrangements within the various stakeholders will begin to have tremendous effects on the repositioning agenda of our party.” 

“Managing our time and resources as great minds towards achieving our goals and objectives can no longer be compromised by the pedestrian tendencies of the idiosyncrasies of a few recalcitrant and myopic individuals. Those days are gone forever in APC Oyo State,” he added.

“Although the results of the last local government elections remain controversial and the party will take necessary steps in due course in that regard, our participation in the election was deliberate, and we are very satisfied with the response of our members and the electorates, who, if the elections were to be free and fair on level playing grounds, clearly showed, clearly, our capacity to win convincingly overwhelmingly during the local government elections.”

“In the days ahead, our people in Oyo State will begin to see our party taking over the political landscape of Oyo State, and once again, we shall take on the path of progressive development and growth, taking the lead as the Pacesetter State indeed.”

“This will require a collaborative effort and approach by all stakeholders within the party, as we have now all appreciated the reality of the dynamics and peculiarities of Oyo State politics.” And we shall be very fair, just, and transparent in our strategic repositioning agenda,” he added.

“We have resolved to ensure that no effort is spared in our determination and commitment towards achieving the goals of reclaiming our lost mandates at the state level. Our quest is simply hinged on ensuring effective and efficient governance in the interest of all of us indigenes of Oyo State,” he concluded.

At the various meetings, the responses of the stakeholders indicated the readiness of everyone to put aside personal interests and expectations while the overall objectives of the party will henceforth be paramount, with a caution on the leadership to ensure fairness, integrity, openness, and equity while implementing the strategies of the repositioning agenda as emphasised by Senator Yunus Akintunde on behalf of the leadership of the party.

Kunle Olatunji,
Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to Senator Yunus Akintunde.

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