
Oyo LG Elections: Abogun ‘Pens Thank You Message’, Appreciates APC Leaders, Members in Ibadan Southwest’

Dear Esteemed Leaders and Respected Party Members of Ibadan Southwest LGA, Oyo State

I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I pen down these words to express my heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support and encouragement. Your belief in me has been a driving force behind my recent accomplishment: being chosen as the standardbearer of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the forthcoming 2024 local government elections in the Ibadan Southwest Local Government Area of Oyo State.

Your continuous guidance and mentorship have been invaluable to my growth within the party. The wisdom and experience you’ve shared have been instrumental in shaping my vision for the future of our beloved local government area. Your unwavering commitment to the ideals of the APC has inspired me to strive for excellence and to uphold the values that our party represents.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who stood by my side during the selection process. Your unshakable faith in my capabilities has not only boosted my confidence but has also reinforced my dedication to serving the people of Ibadan Southwest LGA to the best of my abilities. I am truly humbled by your unwavering support.

As I prepare to take on this new responsibility as the standardbearer, I assure you that I will approach the task with utmost diligence and integrity. Your trust in me is a constant reminder of the faith you have in my leadership skills, and I promise to work tirelessly to justify that trust. Our collective goal to bring positive change to our community will remain at the forefront of my efforts.

I use this avenue to foster unity and camaraderie within our party which have always been our great party’s strength. I am grateful for the collaborative spirit that permeates our ranks, and I am determined to uphold this unity as we journey towards the 2024 LG Polls. Together, we shall overcome challenges and seize opportunities that come our way, emerging victorious as a united APC family.

Let us move forward with enthusiasm and determination, carrying the spirit of the APC with us every step of the way. I am confident that with your support, we will not only secure victory in the upcoming elections but also create a legacy that will benefit the people of Ibadan Southwest LGA for years to come.

In closing, I reiterate my profound gratitude to all of you who have contributed to my journey thus far. As we march towards the 2024 LG Polls, let us remember our rallying cry: “Oyo 2024 LG Polls Must Obey.” With your continued support and the grace of our shared vision, we will undoubtedly achieve the success we aim for. Thank you once again for believing in me and for being the pillars of strength behind my aspirations.

Yours sincerely,

Hon. (Dr.) MKO Abimbola (Abogun),
APC Flagbearer,

Ibadan Southwest Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria.

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