Current Affairs

Oyo Local Government Imbroglio and Out of Court Settlement : My Opinion- Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo

Oyo Local Government Imbroglio and Out of Court Settlement: My Opinion-
Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo

According to Cornell Law School, ;

“Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) refers to any means of settling disputes outside of the courtroom. ADR typically includes early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. As burgeoning court queues, rising costs of litigation, and time delays continue to plague litigants, more states have begun experimenting with ADR programs. Some of these programs are voluntary; others are mandatory…”.

So, out of court settlement to resolve lingering crisis rocking Local Government Administration in Oyo State as proposed by Oyo State Government led by Engr Seyi Makinde is not out of place such as its acceptance by Oyo ALGON led by Prince Ayodeji Abass Aleshinloye is also in line with the spirit of statesmanship.

As the beauty of negotiation will have it, Oyo ALGON has initially presented their negotiating stand which Oyo State Government described as absolute terms and rejected, meanwhile, Oyo state government has also recently came up with with their Pay off deal plans which Oyo ALGON has also rejected and described as unrealistic.

To me all these are still beauties of negotiation and it fits easily into a Yoruba maxim of “Aje Kogba, Jale Jale”. To display spirit of sportsmanship again, Oyo ALGON has also re- presented their ” Jale Jale” with their magnanimity and readiness to work with additional supervisory councillors with already appointed and inaugurated one and liaison officers to be appointed by Oyo State Government.

Though, there are some pessimistic views and conspiracy theories which believe that present Oyo State Government is not ready to settle the matter out of court but merely using delay tactics to perpetually keep the caretaker committee members in office but to me, for state government to prove these skeptical school of thoughts wrong, Oyo government under the watch of Engr Seyi Makinde needs to be more magnanimous and proves that His Excellency is not just PDP Governor of Oyo PDP only but people’s governor of entire state by welcoming and adopting inclusive adminstration at grassroot levels as proposed by Oyo ALGON as March 20, 2020 draws closer without any prejudice, malice or indifference .

“Takute or no takute”, I don’t really know much about this but the real “takute’s setters” are those “igida eyefo’s” giving His Excellency misleading pieces of Advice as Yoruba adage says ,”Onija Kiba Gbi Ipe Alabosi Nin Koje Kotan”, meanwhile, to the genuine people, known and unknown, working day and night to get this issue resolved amicably not because of any material gains or ulterior motives but for the sake of their unflinching love for Oyo State, Development of Grassroot Administration and success of Engr Seyi Makinde’s regime, kudos to you all and blessings, and you can still do more as it is not over until it is over.

Yes, sages say and I concur; “There is no law or ordinance mightier that understanding and compromise does not mean cowardice”, therefore, on the ground of benefit of doubt, I am still optimistic that Oyo State Government and Oyo ALGON will soon have common ground in the best interests of Oyo State but stitches in time save nine and the earlier the better.

God Bless Local Government Administration!
God Bless Oyo State!!
God Bless Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!.

Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo,
Political Researcher And Freelance Writer,
Ibadan, Oyo State , Nigeria.

One thought on “Oyo Local Government Imbroglio and Out of Court Settlement : My Opinion- Monsuru ‘Tunde Adeyemo

  • Olameto Saheed

    This page is fantastic


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