
Prof Akande Consoles Dr Ajimobi Over Mum’s Death

Late Madam Victoria Amudoaghan.

Prof Akande Consoles Dr Ajimobi Over Mum’s Death.

Chairman of the Nigerian Communications Commission, Professor Adeolu Akande has commiserated with the Wife of the Former Governor of Oyo State, Chief (Dr) Florence Ajimobi over the death of her mother, Madam Victoria Amudoaghan.

Professor Akande in a condolence message in Ibadan admonished the former first lady to take solace in the fact that Mama lived a fulfilled life.

“I wish to commiserate with you on the passage of your beloved mum. I know you will sorely miss her wise counsel and motherly care but God knows why she has to return to her creator at this time like every mortal”,he stressed.

The NCC boss, Akande prayed that may God grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss and accept her return.

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